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This episode really hit home for me. What you said about Gang-tae also true about myself, I see parts of myself in those characters. Especially Gang-tae relationship with his mother. This is also remind me a quote that I read by Brene Brown - “The irony is that we attempt to disown our difficult stories to appear more whole or more acceptable, but our wholeness—even our wholeheartedness—actually depends on the integration of all of our experiences, including the falls.” - “But what we know now is that when we deny our emotion, it owns us. When we own our emotion, we can rebuild and find our way through the pain.”


I've watched this a while ago and when I heard Bibi's song, I also thought about the book. Glad to hear you notice the similarity as well :)

Marcel Wannieck

So I just woke up to the amazing news that nine of the Loona members have filed an injunction against BBC to terminate their contracts. And I'm actually happy about it? Why am I happy about one of my top 3 groups probably disbanding very soon? Well, I'm gonna need some comfort food to process this, good thing you got this reaction here today. - Oh fuck, even you in this video mention BBC. I gotta say, I'm amazed at the sheer speed at which BBC is falling into pieces. - And that's what we call emotional manipulation. Got some family members that like to do some very similar things as the mother here. Lovely stuff... - Oh that is not good. It looks like a heartwarming scene at first but Gang-tae's mum is basically telling him that his only purpose in life is to look after Sang-tae. No room for his own wishes and desires. Oof. - Yeah, I would also walk away. Holy fuck Mun-yeong, read the room. - I love how Sang-tae, even with his Autism, genuinely cares for his younger brother and wants to provide for him. - Do they realise they're both talking about the same person? - The director has a lot of authority, he just doesn't need to raise his voice to enact it. - I totally get Sang-tae. If I ran into, say, Haseul from Loona like this, I'd be just as excited. And probably a lot more nervous and constantly stumbling over my words 😅 - Nothing against Sang-tae but he's right, Twice are a lot cuter - Well, at least now Mun-yeong has a good reason to not take her dad out on walks. - And here I am, crying at this show all over again. And boy, it will not get easier.


I disagree about the mother. I don't think her response was one of love. I think it was selfish. It shows in the way she phrased it. Everything was about how it would impact her and her husband. And it really illustrates the root of his problem. He was ignored and instead of recognizing it when he acted out. His mother chose to punish him for it. There is a quote from The Crow that, I believe, really captures the impact of a mother's treatment of her kids. "Mother is the name of God on the lips and hearts of all children." It supports why he is a problem child. It also supports why Gang-te feels the need to always take care of his brother. Not only because she asked him. But because he is desperately seeking her approval, even though she has already passed away. And I'm betting it supports Moon Young's behavior as well. As illustrated by her nightmare in the last episode.

Daniel Goland

You just quoted my favorite movie of all time, kudos. And yeah I would agree, I guess I wanted to see a brighter side to the mother but then the whole episode unfolded and it's a big nope, so you're most likely right.


As an armchair psychologist, I'd say that she's clearly psychopathic in the literal sense. Lack of empathy, manipulative and so on. However, what I really like is that she's not portrayed as "evil" like the antagonistic stock broker or axe-murderer in Hollywood. She's still human, still feels and hurts, just different.


This kinda plays into a conundrum I was faced with some years ago. The whole "If you don't take me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best." argument is really at the center of that. If someone is clearly not ok, are you as a partner obligated to stay? If someone can go from "Leave or I kill you" to "Don't leave or I kill myself" in a matter of hours, does the partner stay, take the person at his worst and sacrifice his/her own happiness? Or does the person, perhaps selfishly, get out of this toxic relationship. Gang-tae is in a similar situation. Mun-young clearly needs him to work through her issues, but I'm sure, and Gang-Tae seems to be, too, that in the course of that, she will use him and most likely severly hurt him and not even feel bad about it (because she can't).

crispy chicken

"When she was left with nothing but her torso, she embraced her son for the last time" Not trying to be rude but how exactly? :p


It's definitely one of my favorites. :) It's tough, for me, to pick which is better The Crow and The Princess Bride. Two vastly different movies, I know. So, I posted my first message about 20 minutes or so into the episode. I had to run some errands and I wanted to capture my thoughts at the time. I just finished watching the episode. And I have to say, I think her dad does have dementia. I suspect that he thinks that Mun-Yeong is her mother. But this just may be me projecting my personal theories into the story. :)


Ah, found the person who'd yell "Honey, he fits on the door!" at the end of Titanic 😅


Honestly, the allegation against Chuu were ridiculous. I'm usually of the opinion that we fans never truly know the idols, but come on, Chuu an arrogant diva? With that many friends and invitations in the industry? Unlikely.