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People more talented than BH that didn't make the group.. YeYoung, Bora, May, Myah, Tammy, Ruan, Ririka, Hye Won, FYN, Yeonkyong, Yunji, Manami, Doah, Jeongmin...basically everyone

Jared Mathews

All About You: Ye Young has always been good but she never got much screen time. She was ranked K2 at the start and all the other high ranking girls got lots of backstory/screen time so not sure why mnet hasn't featured her much. Mafia: My favorite of the 3 member performances. Love Mashiro getting the chance to perform an Itzy song. As I said last week Fu Yaning is talented enough for her performance to speak for itself and her being a bad bitch came in handy for this concept :) I really grew to like Huh Jiwon during this performance. Her and Queen Bora made me interested in Cherry Bullet but their comeback after this show wasn't my taste. VVS: I don't know what was going on with the twin but it's not a good look. Kotone killed this with the screen time rap. She was like they can cut my screen time but they can't cut my performance so I'll just have to show them. My Sea: This is where Chaehyun earned her spot in kepler. I've never really liked Jeong Jiyoon on this show but I do empathize with her. Also wtf was mnet's plot for this song? Focus on nobody but Shana and then quickly show Jiyoon mess up in the dress rehearsal and then show the performance. I don't see the point in showing the rehearsal if the actual performance is exactly the same. We would have been happy that Shana hit the note if we'd seen it for the first time in the performance. Showing the same thing for 15 seconds right before the real performance starts doesn't make sense to me. Anyways always loved Shana and she did great here. I checked out Lapillus's debut and was disappointed that Shana didn't get to do much singing in that. Glad the vocal mentor actually helped Shana out. Also there were clips of the other mentors/judges actually giving them advice outside of just criticizing them in this episode. In Produce and the Chinese knockoff show with mentor Lisa(Youth with You) at the start of the show they group them into grades based on skill and actually teach them. Since GP999 has to be different from produce due to the scandal I guess mnet was like the fans will claim we're copying our own show if we have the vocal and dance experts actually teach the trainees. My House: Seo Youngeun is great! I think she earned her spot with Kick it but choosing to sing instead of dance proved that she deserved to be in the final group. This is why in queendom 2 she joined the vocal unit. Wang Ya Le give me indie artist vibes. I think she was trying to completely change the song to fit her "style" but it was not good. When she was making excuses it was not a good look. Like Ayana said all the teams had the same amount of time and they were all prepared. Ayana basically did the same thing Kim Suyeon did in the Eve after You Dayeon threw a fit in front of the judges. Since mom and dad are arguing I'll apologize and say it's my fault to get them to stop fighting :) All in all they pulled it together and it was probably my second favorite out of the 3 member teams. Salute: Thus begins the downfall of Cai Bing. I liked Cai Bing but she is not a good leader. I blame it on whoever in the last episode said that if they want to be cool they should choose Yoon Jia and if they want to be sexy they should choose Cai Bing. Yoon Jia was the center and main dancer based on who was featured during the actual performance so not sure what the killing part was supposed to be because like you said it seemed like they managed to edit her out of the actual performance. I've liked Jia since the kick it performance but unfortunately she's always been in Youngeun's shadow since then. I was so happy when I saw that she debuted in Mimiirose! Overall I think I agree with Salute winning as I the choreo was more difficult but both Salute and Ice Cream were great. Since they're kind of polar opposite concepts I'd say it came down to personal preference. In terms of the competition though the 9 member teams win the least amount of points. It seems almost insignificant when you see how many millions of votes people get. Mnet got a lot of backlash when this was airing from the evil editing of Fu Yaning at the beginning but this episode is the start of the widespread vilification of the Chinese contestants. Huang Xing Qioa, the twin, Wang Ya Le, and Cai Bing were all shown to have flaws that could only be fixed by listening to the Korean trainees. In the cases where they listened the performances went well and when they didn't they were criticized by the judges. Keep in mind that 33 out of the 99 girls are Chinese and only 1 made it into kepler and she was ranked C1 before the show even started. The Japanese contestants didn't get the same type of editing at least but only a few of them got decent screen time like Kotone rapped about. And again only J1 and J2 from before the show started made it into kepler. Seems like being on this show was a huge waste of time for the foreign members. I'm not trying to defend the Chinese contestants. They still did and said the things that mnet showed but when over half of the storylines in an episode are focusing on that it seems a little suspicious. Since mnet can't get away with actually rigging the votes anymore they have to work harder to get the audience to vote for who they want in their final group. As for my top 9 the only change I'd make is swap Bahiyyih for Yurina. I don't hate Bahiyyih it's just I didn't her do anything on the show to earn her spot. I've heard people say she did stuff that mnet chose not to include but I can only vote based on watching the show. I've loved Yurina from episode 1 and XiaoRina is so cute. I still don't understand how the number 1 voted contestant from round 1 can not make it. Su Rui Qi was my favorite Chinese contestant but I don't think that you can have her and Hikaru in kepler without drastically changing the concept and lineup. Hikaru has always been incredible and she proved in Queendom that she was the right choice. The Su Rui Qi and Hikaru group would probably have to include Fu Yaning, Youngeun, and Yoon Jia as well to go for a powerful/dark concept. Loved your reaction as always! I stay up to watch this every week even though you post it at about 4 am my time :)

fabrice maire

- the cover of hotel de luna's ost was very beautiful Ye young did a good job I agree with DG considering the compliments she received about the fact that she could be the vocal hand of KEP1ER must have given her a lot of motivation and knowing that eventually she won't be part of the group must have been hard for her. - I love the group Machiro, Jiwon and Fu ya ning it's my favorite group in this round. they work well together, but they sing a song that I don't like contrary to what the judges say the problem does not come from the girls but from the song which is badly written and boring to death. Few people understood why MAFIA IN THE MORNING was selected in the category "vocals" while ITZY and their songs are more popular for their dance. so even if the girls are very good and despite the fact that Mashiro is a former JYP trainee, the performance is not the best of this round. on the other hand, I much prefer this "rock" version to the original. Don't get me wrong, the performance isn't bad, it's just that other teams have been better. - the VVS team what to say it's a UFO choosing some of the cutest and adorable girls to sing the most popular rap songs of 2021 very complicated even for rappers confirm for me it was mission impossible. but congratulations to them for trying I wouldn't have done half of what they did. they rewrote several parts because the lyrics of the original song are sung by 6 rappers MIRRANI, JUSTHIS, MUSHVENOM, MUNCHMAN, KHUNDI PANDA - they got help from they're coach some even came to help them at any hours of day or night . that usual in that kind of show we see that more on produce series and even if they do most of the work bye themself they also have to be ready to performe live so 2 or 3 day before they're performance they got visit of the coach very often to fix they're work and of course they got a day of rehersal . - MY SEA team is fantastic we can see why CHAEHYUN is the main vocal of KEP1ER all the girls have incredible voices. -MY HOUSE team was great even if they took time to agree on how to proceed and even if their leader was a little too confident. YOUNGEUN is the ace of KEP1ER probably the most complete member of KEP1ER very good dancer, very good singer, good with this facial expression and big presence on stage. - the SALUTE team made a great performance despite the bad leadership of CAI BIN the team was full of very good dancers who could choreograph and learn the choreography very quickly that's what saved the team otherwise CAI BIN could sink them. congratulations to JIA, DOAH, RISAKO and HYERIM who spiced up the performance with superb facial expression. - the FATE team I can say nothing more than fantastic I cried, this team is full of girls that I love and YESEO definitely took all the light she was incredible and shine more in this team with XIAOTING, YUJIN, SU RU QI and all the most popular girls on the show is not easy. to this emotion that all the judges and the participants have recently understood that this performance is a great performance. for me at the level of the performance of OH MY GIRL with DESTINY on QUEENDOM season 1 my final ranking of this round 1 FATE team 2 team ICE CREAM 3 team HOTEL DE LUNA 4 team SALUTE 5 team MY SEA 6 team MY HOUSE 7 team MAFIA 8 team VVS

crispy chicken

- "I'm hyped about this episode because it's shorter..." :'D - "Look at Fu Ya Ning being nice in contrast of how she was put out to be". Yup, she can be quite cute. In the upcoming Creation mission they also made a practise video with funny costumes on (won't be shown on the show). You should check it out, after the mission. She's a ladybug and so cute. https://youtu.be/EtucXyCud4Q - I kind of had forgotten about this Mafia In The Morning performance which is a shame really, because it's great. That run that Fu Ya Ning did at the end made me feel like she could be very good at doing rock. - VVS. Yeah the girls had a hard time not being cute. But I feel bad because they probably had no choice left when they had to "pick" a song. - IU's My Sea. Heartbreaking for my girl Jiyoon. Takes me back to the previous episode where nobody wanted to or was able to sing that note. And like you said, she could probably do it 9 times out of 10, like we saw in the pevious episode where she surprised everyone by blasting that note. Fun fact: after GP999, one of the first things she did was record and upload her singing this song and hitting that note perfectly :) I still think she shines more in lower tones though (like at the end of My Sea. Yeah, she had to do both the highest and the lowest notes... while probably being one of the lowest ranked at this point). - I also thought it was weird that the vocal master picked out Shana as the best of all the 99 contestants. I mean, he is entitled to his opinion, and althogh she did very good (and can even do better like she said herself) there is A LOT of competition here, so it's a very bold statement. - Salute. Really awesome choreo. - Fate. This was a truly moving performance, and not only literally. - I'm ok with all the results. I thought Ice Cream would win because it was so complete, but it was always gonna be very close to Salute.

cxz11336 21

Honestly, I feel like the storylines really screwed the Chinese trainees no matter how good they were ( J trainees just had no screen time so I don’t have much to say). If a C trainee had any screen time, they would get an evil edit the moment they got too popular to Mnets’ liking. If they had a chance, they’d get screwed out of it and Shen Xiao Ting was the exception because it look absurd to not have a single Chinese trainee. I watched some of the Chinese survival shows, so I knew a few of the C trainees from there and I was so shocked at how their talent was so minimized on the show. - Wang Ya Le (YWY2): Flammable and Explosive performance - Yaning (YWY2): she had a completely different character from the Helicopter situation Honestly, really it frustrated me when watching it. The show was so blatantly biased during editing and making up of storylines, they screwed up their chances to even show their skills before voting. Simply because this is the only way to manipulate the vote (manipulate the viewers so far from the truth) after the Produce scandals. This is not a dig at the current Kep1er lineup at all!! Just to say only a few of the contestants were actually given a shot to fight for their spot.


I didn't like the Ma.Fi.A version. The arrangement seemed off, even Led Zeppelins Kashmir sample did not help. (the James Bond music) The rap part was weak, Ryujin has a very percussive, staccato-style which drives the energy. That was sadly missing. Choosing this song for a "vocal" group seemed weird in the first place, because with most Itzy songs and this in particular, it's not the vocals that stand out. All in all, the vocals were too exagerated, the rap too weak (and the dance none-existant) which made the whole song unbalanced, mushy and unremarkable.


The Chinese trainees are consistendly shown as having a problematic attitude. I am by no means an expert in chinese culture, but that seems more like evil editing. And while, for instance chinese tourists have a very bad reputation, I can't believe that the trainees would act this bad with a career on the line.

Marcel Wannieck

- Don't even get me started on Sunmi. There was a guy I met at the Pixy and Dreamcatcher concerts who also happened to be at the Sunmi concert. While I was further back there, he was right at the front, had very frequent interactions with Sunmi and boy did he make sure we knew about it - That „wiggle of the voice“ is called vibrato. - She was definitely a bit off in one moment but overall, beautiful performance. - „Imagine Fu Yaning in Kep1er“ I do that quite a lot already :D - I noticed they used the lyrics of the English version for the subtitles instead of the actual translation of the Korean version. - I don't like this version as much as the original but that was still great. - The reason why Liang Jiao had to go to the restroom so often was that she had gastroenteritis. An inflammation of the stomach. Might be an important detail worth mentioning but Mnet obviously wants to spin a narrative about her. - Oh fuck, Kotone straight up calling out Mnet's favouritism. Nice. - They did the best they could but their rapping skills do leave a lot to be desired. Kotone was the best out of the three and overall it was an alright performance but not much more. - I might be wrong but I think they did get some help in between the evaluations, it's just not shown during the episodes. - Shame about Jiyoon messing up the climax of My Sea. But let's be reasonable. This song is ridiculous, this will happen to the best of them. (And it gets even more ridiculous when you consider that what you just heard from six people, IU does it all by herself. This is the reason why I think she is Korea's absolute best female vocalist.) - He just said that Shana's voice is his personal favourite, not necessarily the best. - Not enough time? Y'all got the same amount of time as everyone else! - Youngeun you are 17 years old, I'm sorry but I'm not gonna go to your house - Fuck man, this might be the performance that ended up putting Youngeun into Kep1er. - „Actually it wasn't just one person“ Ah, so like the Ice Cream performance which was choreographed by Dayeon and Bahiyyih together? Seems like they had no problem pretending it was only one person there 🤨 - Alright, I need to intervene here. There some serious evil editing going on here with Cai Bing. Literally sentences from completely different contexts stitched together to create some sort of conflict that did not really exist. See this video for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJHlIDXXCyg The translations are also inaccurate in order to make her look worse, especially during the initial broadcast. It was translated as „I'm the leader and I can do what I want“ which is A LOT worse than what she actually said. Cai Bing also gave a lot of her killing parts to Jia and most of the conflicts they had were resolved in the end but again, Mnet wants to put her in a bad light, so none of that was shown. Don't get me wrong, Cai Bing wasn't a great leader but she was nowhere near as bad as Mnet wants you to believe. - Good old Mnet camerawork. - You know why Cai Bing was barely in the performance? Because she DID give most of her killing parts to the other girls. Which Mnet didn't want the audience to know about because they have some kind of vendetta against most of the Chinese girls. - Next up on Girls Planet 999: Actual manslaughter. - I see May has already deceased and returned as a ghost. - You know what this reminds me of? Luna by Oneus. Very beautiful and traditional until suddenly, everything turns blood red. Goosebumps. - Honestly same, Yurina. - It's very hard to pick a winning 3 member team. Maybe No Excuses? But ask me tomorrow and I'll say My House or something. - For the 6 member teams, it's gotta be Fate. That was just perfect from start to finish. - The 9 member teams are a lot closer. I'll go with personal bias here and choose Salute. That kind of choreo is much more to my taste. And I don't really like Ice Cream as a song. The songs from this episode: - Taeyeon – All About You: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHEOj3d7YS4 ✅ - Itzy – Mafia in the Morning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ysomCGaZLw ✅ - Mirani, Munchman, Khundi Panda, Mushvenom – VVS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZInUHwmzN8 (SMTM9) - IU – My Sea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2bUe6Zcxsc (lyric video) - 2PM – My House: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2pFB1dCSo4 - Little Mix – Salute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kjpa0SMOug0 - Lee Sunhee – Fate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPpgc9wrat0 (lyric video)

fabrice maire

i don't agree the original version is weak so of course this one is not perfect but to me it's a better version because of the rock element . but like i said even if i really love this team i dislike the song even if BP or DC cover this song that will be still weak .

Daniel Goland

Damn, this fucking sucks, that mnet not only painted Cai Bing as the bad guy but then almost completely ignored her from the performance that she helped choreograph, the way she was portrayed is definitely unfortunate. mnet you bunch of evil cucks.

Daniel Goland

Oh my, lol I'm so sorry, I post these reactions usually around the morning-noon my time hehe, the time difference is unfortunate, thank you for watching!!