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Hey guys, I've been thinking about this for a few hours, and I intended on pausing the YT channel for the rest of the week and continuing on Patreon but even after I released the latest GP 999 Reaction, finding out about the tragedy after recording the video, releasing it felt incredibly wrong. This whole channel is me exploring and essentially celebrating kpop, and to celebrate it while the country that is responsible for it is in mourning, it just doesn't feel right. 

I'm gonna postpone all reactions and resume when the mourning period ends (November 5th)

I'm sure that this may not be a popular decision to some, and I apologize, but I just can't do it, despite at first, thinking I could.


Rochella Duijs

it's so bizarre. yesterday afternoon I happened to have watched a short documentary on the Love Parade disaster in Germany in 2010. Still remember those news reports coming in, since it was so close to where I live. then a few hours after that, I saw the reports coming in from Seoul... absolutely heartbreaking when you see all the footage and can't image how scared everyone there must have been. All they wanted was to celebrate their first Halloween after all the covid restrictions of the past years have been lifted... I really have a lot of respect for your decision. Hope the victims and their families will be able to find peace.


I fully respect and commend you on your decision. Our thoughts and prayers to the families and friends of the victims, and to the whole of Korea as well. Entertainment companies also already announced suspension of new content releases and other promotional activities. Even some variety shows decided to not air their episodes.