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Hey guys, Patreon has offered creators a different way of billing new subscribers, usually when you sign up, you'll be charged on the date you signed up, and then there would be an auto payment on the 1st of every month.

BUT, Patreon changed that rule, so NOW, when you sign up, no matter the date, you will be charged ONCE a month on the SAME date. 

So for example: if you sign up on the 15th, you will be charged on the day you join, and then monthly on that same date.

This applies to everyone who joins AFTER I made this post, as Patreon literally JUST made this an option.

This is huge because it solves misunderstandings, that's why I have a note in my tier saying "do not sign up at the end of the month, because you will be charged twice!", so I'm very glad, personally, to have this change :)

Those who are already subscribed will be charged on the 1st, as usual.

EDIT, PLEASE NOTE - If you subscribed before this post was made, Patreon will charge you automatically on the 1st, as they already charged you on the date you signed up (If you joined earlier today, for example). So apologies if you joined in the last few days, these things are out of my control, but thankfully NOW those who join late in the month will still have a FULL month :)



Are you saying that a company figured out that their idiotic policy was costing them money? Not a lot, probably, but how many people didn't sign up immediately rather than pay full price for a half a month (or less). For most, it's not a big deal, but for some it is. Companies have lost the rule that you should always make it as easy as possible for people to give you their money. It seems like you have to jump through hoops sometimes just to buy something. Still, good news is good news.


Finally. Not that this affects me in any way, but that kind of billing (full price for a fraction of a month) was always weird and lazy. Also I have seen creators getting hate for this...

Daniel Goland

Yeah, I always felt terrible about that but at the same time, I couldn't do anything about it so it would suck to get hated on something you can't control.

Daniel Goland

Yeah, I'm glad this finally happened. That's why I don't even promote the Patreon on YT as often, especially towards the end of the month cause I don't want someone to spend their money only to get a few days. So I'm glad that's been solved :)