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Am I the only one who thought GC would do much better?

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rtk 3.mp4

This is "rtk 3.mp4" by Daniel Goland on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Jinho’s farewell performance makes me cry every time. Pentagon has been on the brink of disbanding for years, CUBE doesn’t support them, they’ve had a couple issues, and they don’t have the biggest fan base. Hui and the other members work their butts off for Pentagon. They had never gotten first place on even a weekly music show until after RTK. Then Jinho went for his service and they had a couple comebacks without him, then Hui left for his own service. Jinho came back and they had a comeback, but the minute Hui came back he went to Boys Planet (literally within a week or so). Cube still doesn’t support them. The Chinese member hasn’t been seen or heard by fans in at least several months. Many question if Pentagon will ever be back together. So their emotion during the performance with the threat of never being together as a group again is completely understandable and makes me cry every time.

crispy chicken

Pentagon - Getting first place probably would mean the most to Pentagon because they hadn't been able to score a win on a music show when RtK happened. In February this year they finally did, so after a little over 4 years! - Badass performance. The musical arrangement was so high energy though that it was always gonna be difficult to match that with their performance throughout the entire song. They did great though. The Boys - so much creativity! I mean, so many unique things in 1 performance, it's crazy! Let me mention a few: - The assisted high jump is mind boggling. I've watched it a few times now and it actually gets even more impressive. - the lying on the table + turning it with top camera + sliding off - the ticking pendulum on beat. Very original and probably not easy to do/maintain. - the sliding under and over the table - the walking on the bodies - flicking the card into the LED - the 'magic' changing behind the red cloth - the clockwork spin on the floor - the deadfall from the table - etc. And having all these things fit the storytelling while also having clean choreography? To use a quote from Gladiator: ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! "I love how they use the stage. All groups do". Very true. Can't be stressed enough. "To cover a solo artist as a group you have to come up with some cuckoo shit". I don't really agree with you on this one. To me you will automatically have something new / wow factor just by performing it as a group. The closer you are to the original the more ppl are gonna compare. I think it's pretty smart 🤓 I like how your reaction to TOO was "it's gonna be hard to beat this" because it was that good, to Golden Child actually beating it, to The Boys even beating them 😅 The performances were incredible. And yes, I rated Golden Child as #2. Maybe I'm just a sucker for drama/musical/storytelling 🍭. Yay! Oh My Girl is BACK! I could definitely tell from their BACKs. The fact that you couldn't must mean you don't have their BACKs. Maybe you should watch BACK some of their performances, BACK-to-BACK. Ok, BACK to your reaction. You redeemed yourself by recognizing Yooa while she was wearing a mask though. Your memory of songnames is pretty amazing to me. Or maybe I'm just bad at it. Next week has the most memorable performance of RtK for me. Can't wait to see it again.


- Block B is a great group. At least when they started they were a hip-hop-based K-Pop group (their later songs are a bit different from the original stuff). Very Good is one of my favorite songs of theirs, which is why last week I mentioned I checked it out previously. - As was already mentioned, P.O. is on Hotel Del Luna and has been on a bunch of variety shows as well. - You have also seen the leader of Block B as well, Zico who was featured on Rosario. Zico is one of the best rappers in the business and his song "Any Song" was an absolutely huge hit. - Mino of Winner was also at one point going to be a part of that group, but those plans fell through and he ended up joining a ballad-based group that he did not like before ending up with YG. He is another top rapper. Both Zico and Mino appeared on Show Me The Money 4, with being Zico one of the producers (producers being both judges and team leaders on the show) and Mino competing. They have also both been producers on later seasons (with Mino being a producer on last year's version). - Yeah, I believe we mentioned before how they used to be a 10-member group until Cube fucked up and caused one of their members to leave (Dawn) along with their biggest female artist (Hyuna) after Cube and the couple had different reactions to rumors of them dating getting out. Cube denied it while Hyuna confirmed it which lead to them stopping all promotions for the two (including promoting the song they were actively promoting at the time). - It is certainly a very rock-style performance of the song. Both this and the original are heavy songs, but in slightly different ways since the original is more a hard-hitting hip-hop song. Block B also has the rough version which is a bit closer to Pentagon's version (and is where the "I want to rock right now" part comes from), but Pentagon took it even further. - While the performance is great, I think I still prefer the original. Though that is always hard when you have listened to a song so many times. I really miss Zico's rap part. - Overall they nailed it. - I think you should check out Block B sometime. "Very Good" might be a good start. Nillili Mambo or Nalina would be other good starts or if you want something a bit lighter, then I would suggest Her. - My favorite cover of "Very Good" was done by Choi Yoojung on the show Golden Tambourine. - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtDFk-MT6sc - Speaking of storylines, now would be a good time to get back to Billlie's debut since it sounds like they will have a new song dropping sometime next month. If you need a version of their story videos for Ring X Ring, here is the video you want: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gzvxetmidI - So enthusiastic about their theme. - I had to rewind back to see that move a third time. - The moves of this performance are off the charts. I got to give it to The Boyz, but Pentagon was pretty close behind. - I certainly would have put Golden Child in the top 4 as well. I don't think they did better than Pentagon and The Boyz, but I preferred Golden Child's performance over TOO and ONF. - Kind of expected Oneus to get 7th, just because they were first and a lot of amazing performances came after.


- Great to see OMG helping out their labelmates. YooA looks the same to me. BTW she did put out a solo song the same year this show aired called "Bon Voyage". - I would say the overall figure could help figure out some artists especially seeing multiple members of a group at the same time, but most groups I might have a bit trouble figuring out by their backs alone. Hairstyles can certainly help though. - Not being able to see where everyone else is in the order is quite interesting. - They can never have a simple scoring system. At least the group voting is worth more than it was during the Queendom seasons, where their vote matter little and was just there for the drama. - See, I would have just kept the entire order as a surprise to the rest of the groups so they just had to wait until each performance to see who would be singing. - Military service is a pretty big deal for boy groups since with the exception of foreign members, all of the members of a group will have to go through it and it will often be over the course of several years due to them being different ages so it will often be hard to get the full group together for quite a while. - I noticed that they had an ad for Good Girl there, which Mnet aired around the same time as RTK. - A western theme was certainly unexpected. - Oh man, that section with the dedication to Jin Ho. I'm surprised they were able to keep it together as well as they did. And to keep going, damn. - Truly a wonderful showing from them. That performance will be so hard to rank just because of the emotions from it. - Jin Ho is back, but Hui left for his own military service while Jin Ho is gone and Hongseok left for his service a couple of months after Jin Ho got back. Like I said, once military service starts for a group, it can sometimes be hard to get the full group back together. - Females don't have to serve, but pretty much the only way to get out of it for males is to win a gold medal for Korea. I know there have certainly been calls for idols to not have to serve (especially BTS) due to the role they play in being ambassadors for Korea. - Can't wait to see the rest of these performances, especially with YooA showing up. - There is a Yoona out there. She is a member of SNSD.


Fun fact about The Boyz performance! They actually worked with one of Danger's original writers for the rearrangement, and I'm so glad they did because it was adapted into a group song so well. ONF's reactions to the other groups is part of how they became my ult boy group, they're just so obnoxious and funny without trying. And yeah as others have said, ONF and OMG are under the same agency (WM Entertainment, which was actually acquired by RBW in April 2021 though they still operate independently). ONF debuted two years after OMG, but the members have the same age ranges (1994 - 1999 liners). ONF's reaction to Pentagon's performance both makes me laugh and cry because even though they're early 4th gen (I don't believe in "3.5" gen), ONF members have an older age range and all 5 Korean members (the maknae is Japanese) enlisted together in Dec 2021. Today marks 365 days left and I am very emotional about it. I'm happy they went together instead of separately like most groups, but I miss them dearly. (They were also the first group for all members to enlist together afaik. It helps that they're all close in age. The minimum age for a man in SK to enlist is 18, but idols usually wait until the maximum age of 28)


Enlistment is generally 18 months, though some have to serve longer depending on their placement. Baekhyun of EXO for example due to a health issue is enlisted as a public service worker rather than an active duty soldier, so he has to serve 21 months I believe.

fabrice maire

see DG that why many of us talk a lot about RTK and Kingdom because the BG are more into scenery ,acting and story telling than GG and that make all of they're performance bigger and most impactful . the set and the props the money into all performance are above what the girls have in QUEENDOM . and i don't know why . i don't dismiss the work than the girl put on the show . but it's alway's like that in my country the BG performance are in général more impactful.

fabrice maire

yes HUI is the SOYEON of PENTAGON . and you know for CUBE it's hard to make a judgement about this agency because yes they sucks sometimes but it's because they're artist have more liberty and creative controle than many other artist in many other agency . so the agency is also more rough and have some strict rules . when we thing about CLC management yes it's a shame but for (G) IDLE for exemple they take the best decision for the groups factualy they comeback stronger than before . they did good also with PENTAGON and with 4 minutes . but some fans didn't love they're management of the HYUNA X DAWN case etc.... it's really hard to judge them . for YG for exemple you can say than they're a bunch of cocks .

fabrice maire

FOR this episode i remember my ranking back then i really love all performance but my ranking was .1 GOLDEN CHILD 2 THE BOYZ 3 PENTAGON 4 ONF 5 TOO 6 ONEUS 7 VERY VERY

crispy chicken

Yes there is SNSD YoonA (윤아), but there is also Yuna (유나) from Itzy, AOA, or Brave Girls 😅

Marcel Wannieck

Ok, before I get to the fourth episode let's get this first round ranked. #7: VERIVERY A veri good performance, just a bit short of the other ones. I like the new dance breaks they added before the chorus, those are definitely the highlights. What I'm not too keen on is how they skip the actual main part of the original's chorus and only bring it in at the very end. You know, the part where they go „mansae mansae mansae HEY“. I get that they were trying to save it to build up tension but it doesn't really work that well imo. #6: ONEUS I love the fight choreography at the end. The slow motion parts are actually mind blowing. And the way they rearranged the song was so good too. But I will agree with you, there were too many flips. It stops being impressive when it happens so often that you get used to it. And they have the disadvantage of going first. When there are so many amazing performances that come after it's hard to remember the first one. #5: TOO Dude, these beat changes. They seem so shy and humble off stage but they pack such a serious punch. Honestly, from here I really don't have anything to critcise. They all blew my mind, it's just a question of how much. #4: ONF The slow and arrangement at the beginning, eventually transitioning into the dubstep glory of the original. Wyatt's solo moment. That group choreography during the build up to the last chorus. It's all so damn good. #3: PENTAGON Fuck man, the metalhead in me is SO happy about this one. I mean there's basically a breakdown?!? More heaviness and shredding in Korean music PLEASE! Pentagon's experience was really showing here, omg #2: Golden Child This was so beautiful. I love it when classical music gets incorporated into modern music (i.e. Red Velvet – Feel My Rhythm and Overwerk – Toccata) and this is so well done. Granted, this was originally down to Shinhwa but GolCha did such an amazing job with this performance. Honestly, they deserved WAY better than fifth place. #1: THE BOYZ I mean, it's Taemin, innit? But how they turned a solo song into an 11 member group song and made it work so well is amazing. And don't even get me started on the acrobatics. That one jump where he is basically running over four other members is still living in my mind. There was so much stuff going on that I needed to watch the whole thing several times to take it all in. And that is without any additional dancers. Madness.


hello!! i’m a new patron who just joined for RTK!! i’ve been bingeing and catching up on all the episodes so far, and i absolutely love your reactions and commentary!! here are a couple notes I have on this episode: i watched this show as it came out primarily for the boyz and pentagon, but i really fell for all the other groups as well (especially onf and golden child). i agree with you for this round, my personal ranking from 1-7 is the boyz, golden child, too, onf, pentagon, verivery, and oneus, but the standouts for me are TBZ, golcha, and TOO. golden child was absolutely robbed this round, and that performance is seriously one of the most breathtaking performances of the ENTIRE -dom series (queendoms and kingdoms) and i will stand by that statement. the effect of fans, their body lines, and the stage direction was amazing! though for me the boyz did steal the show- their concept, storyline, and use of the stage was so meticulously planned and perfected, and not to mention the stunts! if you watch the behind the scene videos you can see how long it took them to learn that stair jump move- INSANE. this performance really showcases their teamwork and trust in each other. and TOO really showed their passion this round- i was so shocked by how intense it was while not being too messy or noisy! it was still incredibly well put together. i also very much enjoyed ONF’s performance- i thought the actual performance was just good, but the arrangement gave me CHILLS. knowing the original song, the arrangement was unrecognizable but when wyatt came in singing everybody i got goosebumps down my spine. ONF kills it in the arrangements! the other performances were absolutely fantastic as well! as for the boyz’s performance, taemin did actually acknowledge it during one of his vlives! he mentioned that he had seen it :) i also remember sobbing during pentagon’s round 2 stage. for reference, shine is a LEGENDARY song. it went viral when pentagon released it back in 2018, and basically every kpop stan knows it in some shape or form. it’s catchy, upbeat, and so iconic that it hit even harder that they sang it for this stage saying goodbye to jinho. also just wanted to shoutout that hui and jinho are two of the absolute best vocalists of their kpop generation. legends. anyways, loved this reaction so much! so excited to binge some more :)

Daniel Goland

Thank you Holly, I'm so glad you joined and are enjoying these reactions, it's been over a week since this episode and I'm still not over the screw job that is Golden Child placing 5th, but I just watched The Boyz's performance again and damn, I already loved that performance, I love it even more now!


I just joined bc I had to see your opinions on RTK and Kingdom. I watch your YT channel and we have almost identical opinions which I've never encountered and I'm pretty much addicted to watching reactions. Golden Child's performance is one of the most memorable for me from RTK and I was so anxious to see if you'd like them as well. Especially with what happened to them in RTK. And now you're telling me you love Mad Max ?! I cannot deal with this! There is a clone of me in a male form even born on the same year! I have a problem with Kingdom tho, as RTK was the best one for me from all the shows, it showed mostly creativity and talent when in Kingdom with the biggest stage design I have seen which eclipsed the talent of the groups mostly Ateez and Stray Kids whom I loved before Kingdom and I am still cranky about that even tho SKZ won. Everything in Kingdom screamed "MONEY" for me and in RTK we see many times (like ONF in 2nd episode) that they even don't use a prop for a crown, they just use their hands. And it doesn't mean they are that poor but so creative. I'm a sucker for sth like that. I have yet to see your opinions on Kingdom so I will probably go over this again but I had to say this now.