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VIDEO LINK HERE - https://vimeo.com/684561172/c257d38589




-Like they didn't even wait for Lisa to lose to play it. They just started playing it as soon as the bet was made. Finally got our Jisoo bet in though. -I do remember watching Avengers in theaters with my parents, but I don't remember having strong feelings about it in any particular way. -I rode on a horse once when I was a kid. -I believe that was T.O.P. that you said sounded like RM. It was at least a BigBang song. Recently it was both announced that T.O.P. had left YG, but wasn't leaving the group along with the fact that they would be having a comeback (though no details of when yet). -Yeah, you need a proper computer chair. -Yay, Lisa finally got a win. I was hoping for more epic music to play when it happened. -This felt like the last episode. Curious to see what they do for the final episode. -Has been a wonderful time watching all of this. You can clearly see the bond they all have.


What attracted me to Blackpink, aside from their music and beauty and charisma, is their friendship. You feel the authenticity and genuineness. And in real life, even their families are friends with each other. Their families eat out together, visit each other, take vacations together. During Jisoo’s brother’s wedding, Lisa’s parents flew in from Thailand, Rosé’s father flew in from Australia. Jennie attended with her mom. If you will recall, when Rosé’s mom called before they went to Thailand, Jennie casually answered the phone and said “hi mom!”. Lisa’s mother call the girls her daughters. Lisa stays with Jisoo’s family during holidays and hangs out at their house when she feels lonely in her apartment. She also hangs out with Rosé and her sister, Alice. Jennie goes on vacation with Jisoo’s family, and also with Lisa’s family. Lisa goes on vacation with Rosé’s family. They have probably one of the strongest, if not the strongest, relationships and friendships in kpop. The fact that they don’t have a leader says it all—they treat each other as friends and family so they are all equal and they all want the best for each other and the group.


Yeah, you can feel their friendship and cohesiveness as group even in their M/V's. In relation to your reaction to NIMXX, that was something that was lacking. With most groups, when you see their debut, you feel that group energy, and I (and a lot of people) didn't feel it with them. I blame that on mismanagement as well. However, BP is unique - they remind me of The Rolling Stones (in group dynamic). When the Stones were first out, no one knew who anyone was except for Jagger, but the group was together and aware of their jobs within the group and it didn't bother any of them, they just did what was best for the group. Before long, everyone knew all of the members and they all had their fan clubs, and they're still touring. That's not something that you can manufacture, that's dependent on the people in the group, and BP has it. Perhaps NIMXX can find that, but it's lacking now.

crispy chicken

You definitely need a better chair. Final episode of Queendom is about 2 and a half hours long... 😁

travis godel

There bond is one of the rarest thing you see with pop stars but it's what given them the success they have it's not yg or teddy or the girl crush concept but them it's the one element that can't be copied everything else flows from that.


Avatar I don't hate it was an ok movie. The effects were cool and he ride at Disney is even cooler! Twilight was awful but Robert Pattinson as Batman is so good I saw it yesterday and it was bad ass!!! The real movie star was Collin Ferrell I didn't even know it was him playing pinguin! I liked him in Tennet as well. I love riding horses. I haven in a while but I used to go to horse back riding camp when I was young. The boxes make me sad that means we are at the end 😭😭😭 Jennie and Jisoo just holding each other looking at the boxes 😭😭 Coin laundry I definitely don't miss that! Their friendship is so special its great to get to see it. I really wish I had a friendship like that in my own life.

mikko samante

Blackpink for 3rd gen, then 4th gen is itzy, they have the same friendship or closeness on their vlogs check itzys vlogs too in the future