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This episode always breaks my heart. It is gut wrenching and painful. I always cry watching this one.

Marcel Wannieck

- That note he pulled out of the dead tagger's jacket looks like some kind of map to me. - A botanical garden should at least make for an interesting game arena. - “Are we going to dismantle something?” Or someONE. - Yup, at least one of them dies today. And I have a bad feeling it's gonna be Chota. - You're right, it could be Karube. Shit. Anything in these kinds of shows alluding to marriage always foreshadows death. Argh. - The rules confuse me. The lambs are supposed to hide from the wolf. But the wolf is the one who survives at the end. Shouldn't the lambs be the ones to seek out the wolf to take the wolf role for themselves? - Or, well, the official rules are just a distraction. - Fuck. - I was 95% sure that Arisu wouldn't die. What I didn't take into account is that they would just kill off the rest of the main cast like that. What the Fuck. I was in denial at first. But the more the game went on, the more I started to suspect what would happen..