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Hey Daniel jennie dropped vlog recently are you gonna check that out


The general consensus, that I think is correct, on the "Lisa can you teach me Japanese." line is that, early on in her career, she was often misidentified as Japanese, sometimes on purpose by haters. Also, the scene with all of the Thai women in the white hoodies and that line are a statement that non-Asians tend to think that all Asians look alike, and people just assume that they're either Japanese or Chinese. So, I think that you're right, I doubt that it had anything to do with the other Lisa. I know that you like and respect Jordan Orme, but... I stopped watching him because I couldn't take his ego. If you're really that good, you don't have to start each video with a list of your accomplishments, for instance. Also,, he's, apparently been being a bit of a dick. I saw something mentioned, so I watched his review of Baby Monsters "Forever" - the comment section is up in arms. He, apparently had a title about how Baby monster copied Ive. In the video, he kept mentioning that, plus he sang a bit of a song - that didn't seem at all similar, but said that it seemed similar to another song. After getting crucified by the comment section, he gave a half-assed "apology" where he said that he "apparently" crossed a line so he changed the title. No, he fucked up. He's been in this long enough to know better that to use clickbait titles, and then, in his video keep mentioning how this video is a copy of that video. He knows, or should know, what kind of hate that can cause. He was also by his statements dissing videographer for simply copying his previous video. He's also, apparently did the same thing in his review of "Batter UP', but I don't want to watch that, so... I'm not, in any way, defending Baby Monster, I'm just tired of content creators reaching a certain level thinking that they're above the fray and can say or do whatever they want, then, when they get called out, acting like the people complaining are just overly sensitive or something. That's bullshit. Sorry for the rant, but the flood of negativity around pretty much EVERY recent release that was at all successful is getting on my last nerve, and seeing someone who has almost a million subs trying to get views with a clickbait title that he had to know would cause controversy - that's why he did it - then going on and on about copying was the last straw. You, and every other reactor that I've watched, manage to give great reactions/reviews without resorting to that, that's all I'm saying.