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Marcel Wannieck

- Homeboy was so paranoid that he thought simple social interactions were “checking his background” 💀 - Yes, that police officer was in Vincenzo too. I think he was a doctor involved with Babel Group. This makes two actors who were also on Vincenzo. - Heh, Moo-jin has the same Ikea desk chair that I used for ten years. It wasn't very good. No headrest, no recline, how did I even put up with it for so long? - Barely holding on, eh? - What I like here is that it's not just the tired trope of someone coincidentally calling Ji-won at that exact moment. No, it was Hyeon-su/Hee-seong taking direct action. It actually makes sense! - I'm about to turn 26 in two weeks, of course I know what that red white green adapter is :D I had a Wii and a little TV in my childhood bedroom. That used those adapters too. - Ji-won, I get it, he's your husband but do you not see that Moo-jin has the much bigger bruise between the two of them? - Hey would you look at that! Mr. Nam and the Geumga Plaza building owner reunited! Three Vincenzo actors on this show. - Ok so either this woman is wrong or the subtitles are poorly translated. Kopi Luwak is not made from cat feces. It's from a certain type of civet, which is not a cat. And Kopi Luwak is a scam anyway. Most of it is fake and if it is real, there is so much needless animal cruelty behind it that it really isn't worth it. Apparently it doesn't even taste good. - Moo-jin is getting a bit cocky now that he's out of the basement. - So yeah, there actually is a real Hee-seong who's in a coma and Hyeon-su just took over his identity. And this is only episode 3. Things will get MUCH wilder! - I looked up the actor for the real Hee-seong and he doesn't seem to be in any other show we watched on Patreon. So I don't know why he looks familiar to you.

jenn rocas

I got excited from your reactions too! 😂❤️