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Marcel Wannieck

A day late because I went to Wheein's concert yesterday and omg she's amazing! It really is true: once you whee in you can't whee out. - I have a very bad feeling about Ju-seok visiting his mother. - The Marvel disguise! Putting on a baseball cap. - Ok so if Ju-seok can sense Ha-na back through the territory, does that mean he's already somehow above a regular level 3 spirit? - Power itself corrupts. I just finished watching Death Note for the first time and that's also a big theme there. And now Ju-seok who's already filled with rage got this huge burst of new power. He doesn't need to be directly controlled by the spirit in order to become corrupted. Just the fact that he has all this power is enough to make him go down this dark path. - I can't wait to see Ju-seok find out the truth and then go full Frank Castle on Hwang's and Gelly's asses 🤠 - „Left without a trace“ Ah well, I guess all those guards and inmates they killed don't matter then, got it 👍🏻 - Ha-na, that bodyguard disguise looks suspicious af - oookay. That's one hella flamboyant tattoo artist. - uhh... ha-na. Ha-na. HA-NA! DON'T YOU FUCKING DIE ON US NOW - We only have six more episodes to go. Season 2 has 12 episodes, not 16.

crispy chicken

- "I like it when villains are so conflicted that they're not...really...villains". I agree. 100% evil is a bit boring. Same goes for 100% good. That's why I've watched Arcane like 10 times 😅 - I like that we got see a bit of backstory from Chu (and Mo-Tak). - But this whole interest in the tattoo and where the money came from, etc. feels a little bit late into the story. Like, we already got major showdowns, and now we have an even bigger evil spirit running loose. So, this whole money/tattoo trail feels really insignificant. It's not that this trail isn't interesting, because it is, but at this point it feels like an afterthought. - So, Ju-Seok could read mr Park's mind, but only saw the 'convenient' bits? Of course it's possible that the evil woman messed with his memories (he also said he didn't remember anything, but then again that's really not true either), so I guess we go with that?