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Jared Mathews

Watching Miru struggling with the choreo and getting personal help from a Korean trainee. It's almost like I've seen this exact scene/storline with Yeeun in QP :) The members from Queendom Puzzle are Chaeyeon, Suyun, Juri, Miru, and Riina(she goes by her real name in this and I don't think I've seen her yet) I'm glad you eventually noticed Juri but Miru got just as much screen time this episode :) Alexa getting her only screen time this show as the "American" in group B :) She said that she spent more time with the Japanese trainees since she also couldn't speak Korean well and they spoke some English. I agree with the judges that Goto Moe had to get an F. This is an audition to be a singer and all of the other girls sang even if they were terrible. To reward someone for skipping the singing portion of the evaluation would be an insult to all of the girls that tried and failed to sing and got an F. If I was sick the day of a test and couldn't attend I would get an F not C but hopefully I would be allowed to retake the test when I'm better and that's how I feel about what happened here. Put her as an F for now since she didn't complete the evaluation knowing that in a few days when she's feeling better she'll get a re-evaluation. With Sakura I think her performance was B quality but they had to give her an A and I would have given her an A. She was the best of the Japanese trainees, she clearly has that start quality and charisma but most importantly for the morale of the entire Japanese half of the contestants. After getting dunked on by the judges all day they need someone to look up to and the hope that some of the Japanese trainees can succeed. Also since this show is made by mnet they had to do it for the storyline. BTW the RBW trainees are from Purple Kiss Go Eun and Ji Eun but Ji Eun has since left the group :( I really respect Sakura for doing the vocal lesson in Korean when I'm sure she would have performed better in Japanese. If I want to be a kpop idol I should seize this opportunity to get vocal lessons in Korean from the lead vocalist of Sistar. The thing that has always upset me about this show is that during the re-evaluation stages many of the Korean trainees didn't even try to sing a word of Japanese. The whole point of the show is to create a "Global" group that will promote in Korea and Japan. All of the Japanese trainees have flown to another country to learn and are singing in a foreign language and when the Koreans are asked to sing in Japanese they just refuse. The Pick Me song has a Japanese verse. You're going to have to sing it if you're going to perform the signal song. With the difference in culture my understanding is that AKB48 doesn't give their members any training. No vocal or dance lessons. Just pass the audition by acting cute and funny and then get thrown on stage. If they want lessons they would have to book their own lessons with a 3rd party. I don't know much about AKB48 but that's the impression I got from watching this show. Also with the B class dance training scene it's standard for the best dancers or the ones that memorize the choreo the fastest to learn and then teach the rest of the group but clearly that's not how the Japanese members were used to doing it. I've only ever gotten about halfway through this show multiple times. I'm looking forward to actually finishing it this time. I enjoyed the reaction as always and sorry for the essay :)


You're right in saying that there is a fine line between criticizing the performance vs attacking members but it is also tiresome to hear people justify the poor performance by blaming it on external circumstances. Blaming technical difficulties on the poor performance is just not it. Both the company and the members are at fault and instead of avoiding the issue or completely ignoring it, the company and the members should have taken the responsibility for it. They were not ready. They need more vocal training and yes, while there are many other groups who also lack vocally the point is not to compare or to put anyone down. Sakura has been an idol for over a decade and her main job is to perform, which includes signing. While yes, she has worked hard to keep up with the insane beauty standards, stage presence, dance ability and so on, the same effort should be put in her vocal abilities as well. The same criticism applies to the whole group and I am not diminishing their hard work as a group overall nor their busy schedules. At the end of the day, singing is the foundation of their job and as harsh as it sounds they need to figure out how to strengthen their weaknesses in this area. I'm not saying that they should all be amazing singers because each group brings something else to the table but their live performances are just not it.