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Marcel Wannieck

- Mave and Plave aren't "AI" groups, they're virtual groups. There's no AI involved in their productions, it's all real people behind the virtual avatars. The animation is done with mocap. I see them a bit as Kpop versions of something like Gorillaz for example. But ChatGPT and Midjourney have absolutely nothing to do with this. - But boy, do I have the survival show for you! Girls Re:Verse is a show that featured 30 already debuted idols. The twist is that the entire show takes place in a fully virtual environment and all contestants are playing virtual characters, so no one is supposed to know who's really who. Though of course some were identified pretty quickly by their voices. But from what I've heard, the show is super chaotic and unhinged because the idols don't appear as themselves :D - Oh no, the voting to kick members out :/ I know they gotta readjust the groups but man... - A surprising number of people voting themselves out. Huh. - I already know Seokyung from her own group GWSN and it's like you say, seeing them lose their confidence like this is always sad. - omg Yoojung having a crush on Jinyoung is adorable 🥺 24 Hours - Wow, a practice run that goes by pretty smoothly and without any major issues? I didn't even know that was possible 😂 - Good news, all the songs from this round are indeed available on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/23WQRmPCr2qacsex7NWgkL - The mixing was a bit off with the vocals being a little too quiet but other than that, this was great! Super fun, dancable, perfect for festivals! Love it. Fingertips - You heard „Lion“ because L and R are the same letter in Korean. - Ah, we're back to business as usual. Messy practice runs. - Chungha pls stop - To be honest, the song is really not my vibe. But the girls look amazing and holy moly, Chungha. Jesus 🥵 Don't Matter - San-E is a pretty big name in the Korean hiphop scene so it's pretty cool that they get to work with him here. - That was amazing! Probably my favourite song of the three so far. The vocal quality that Juna brings here is just so fucking good. That deep tone! Yum-Yum - Reminder that Somi is younger than you'd think. This was her 15th birthday we just saw there. - Did they not provide an interpreter for the girls when working with a producer that doesn't speak Korean? Or why is Somi doing the translating here? - Good performance but like with Fingertips, the song itself really isn't for me. In the Same Place - They did well! I could tell that Sohye was still nervous af but they pulled through very nicely. And the song itself is amazing. And Hyeri is just unbearably adorable 💕 So my personal ranking would be: 1. Don't Matter 2. 24 Hours 3. Fingertips 4. In the Same Place 5. Yum-Yum Between places 3 and 4, I like In the Same Place more as a song but Fingertips had a better performance imo. I'm okay with In the Same Place winning but as for the rest, what was that live audience smoking when voting 💀 But now I'm reevaluating if I really did like Fingertips' performance better or if I'm just a thirsty bitch for Chungha 😅


Very late to this, but this was a really enjoyable episode. Mainly because of the focus on performances. My personal ranking: 1. 24 Hours 2. In The Same Place 3. Don't Matter 4. Fingertips 5. Yum Yum I enjoyed all of these except Yum Yum tbh, both in terms of performance and song. It just seemed like an endless, not particularly strong chorus IMO, but maybe that's just me. Good performance overall but I can't really enjoy it if I don't like the song. Damn, two episodes left. This went by so fast, can't wait to see the final lineup completed. Since a few commenters mentioned Girl's Re:Verse... absolutely can recommend. Must watch. Absolutely hilarious with some great performances to boot... would love it if you check it one day, I'm sure you'll enjoy it.