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Official Defunctland Monthly Meeting - Tonight! Wednesday, September 8th - 10PM EST

Howdy everyone.  Come join us in the Discord tonight for the Official Defunctland Meeting at 10pm EST. It's going to be another fun night. We hope you can make it, but if you can't we'll post minutes for you to check out.

Come join us for the start at 10pm EST, in the Defunctland Cay meeting channels. Did you do anything interesting over labor day?  Let us know how you've been and what you've been up to.

Then, at 10:10pm we'll kick off a round of "Questions for Kevin" where Kevin Perjurer will answer your questions.  Feel free t ask Kevin anything.  If you are unable to make the meeting but have a question you would like answered, comment on this post and we'll ask it in the meeting for you.

At 10:25pm, take a commercial break and check out some commercials for defunct brands and shows.  How persuasive is the advertising from days gone by. Let's watch and find out.

At 10:35pm, we'll celebrate the 45th Anniversary of "The Muppet Show" with some fun discussions, clips and behind-the-scenes videos.

After that' we'll sing-along to the greatest hits of "The Puzzle Place" from 10:50 until the end of the night. We'll wrap up the festivities around 11pm.

Don't forget to post your questions for Kevin if you have them. We'll make sure to include answers in the meeting minutes.



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