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Hello everyone! Hope you are well. We have had some requests for non-Discord Patreon perks for those that do not use or find it more difficult to use Discord. I am considering a monthly newsletter update or minutes from our meetings. Would you be interested in this or have other ideas for ways to bring some of the Discord activities here? Thanks and have a great weekend!



If you can find a way to record the discord meetings to post here, that would also be beneficial to those on the discord but who can’t make it live.

Robynne Blume

A monthly newsletter and minutes from the meetings both sound great to me!


A newsletter sounds great, I don't have a lot of time to keep tabs on Discord so it'd be a way to understand what's been going on.


A newsletter would be great. Or just a Patreon-only recording posted on YouTube would be great! I have occasionally lurked on the Discord, but never have a lot of time to devote to it.

Eric Ahlstrom

Newsletter it minutes sound good, whichever is easier. Also if there is an easy record and post as The Roses suggested, that could be a good way to go.


I can’t always make the meetings and would also appreciate access to a recording either here or on YouTube. Dying to hear the rest of the Muppet Man podcasts with Dan if those are around, too.


The recordings of the meetings sounds cool, even for those on Discord that would be good to hear a "Best of" recoding on the meetings!


You got my email! A newsletter or minutes would be great, Others have suggested a recording of the meetings best bits which would be ok for those who have hearing. For those of us who are hearing challenged like myself perhaps a transcript could be provided too?


I would be more engaged if there was an option besides discord which I can't install on my computer. It won't run on my linux distro.


this is a little off-brief, but the perk i would be the most interested in just text posts that said "the next episode is about ______ and will be out sometime in the next month". or dumps of some of the primary source material used to create the videos, whether that's your research material or the archival footage you pull

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-25 03:42:23 I only really use Discord for D&D. That being said, any Patreon support I offer is just a little thank you for creating awesome content that I really enjoy. :)
2021-06-27 13:10:22 I only really use Discord for D&D. That being said, any Patreon support I offer is just a little thank you for creating awesome content that I really enjoy. :)

I only really use Discord for D&D. That being said, any Patreon support I offer is just a little thank you for creating awesome content that I really enjoy. :)