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Hello everyone. This is an update for those who were not able to make last night's meeting. I spent most of the meeting discussing the release of Kid Cities, the upcoming Deal or No Deal projedct, and answering questions. The most significant update from last night was the changes I am considering for Patreon, which both does and does not affect most of you.

I am going to explain these changes so that no one is surprised when they happen, but if you are already a current member, you will be grandfathered in on most, if not all, of these updates.

  • Tier Price Increases: I am going to be increasing the price on most tiers. However, I will be grandfathering all active members at their current price point and creating legacy tiers for you. This price increase will only affect new members, no current member will pay more. The new price tiers will be:

    • A-Ticket: $2

    • B-Ticket: $4

    • C-Ticket: $7

    • D-Ticket $10 (no change)

    • E-Ticket $50 (no change)

  • Credit Appearance: Our Patreon list in the credits is growing quite long (yay!), and as a result, I will be making credit appearance exclusive to B-ticket and up. However, as with the price increase, all current active members, including A-tickets, will still appear in the credits going forward as part of your legacy perk. Again, this change only affects new members.

  • Exclusive Video Testing: I will be testing out creating exclusive videos for Patreon. These videos will have to be more conversational and less-research heavy than my typical content, but this is a way to increase value for people that sign up. This is not going to be a promised perk until I am confident that I can achieve this without slowing down the actual public projects we have in the pipeline.

  • Behind the Scenes Content Moving to Discord: This only applies to D and E-ticket members. I will be posting regular Behind the Scenes content in a new Discord channel locked for just these tiers. I have a lot of behind-the-scenes content throughout the month that works better in this channel than as its own post. I will still continue to do BTS videos when available, but for photos and other BTS content, I hope you'll check out the new Discord channel for more consistent updates.

I think that's it. Again, most of these changes will not affect current members, except for the additional perks which will hopefully improve the value of the membership. These changes will go into effect this Friday. A few people in the meeting who had been on the fence about upgrading their membership wanted some time to do so before the price change. You are welcome to do this and will be made a legacy member at whatever tier you are at when the change occurs Friday morning.

As always, thank you for your support and I hope you have a great rest of your week.


Donnie Kit

this is for everyone except for me

mike w

Appreciate the updates and for honoring the current prices for all currents members!