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Sorry for the blackout, I had a rather unfortunate situation pop up...

In short: My dad had a fall and broke his arm + hit his head on one of those trailers you attach behind your car...

Some of his neighbours found him lying on the garage floor in a pool of blood and managed to call an ambulance, and he's been at the hospital ever since...

I'd been home at my apartment for a few days before they called from the hospital and I had to hop back on the train...

Spent the last few weeks visiting/sorting out a bunch of stuff...

Suffice to say, things are pretty shit atm...

Drawing wise, I have neither the time, energy or will to draw just about anything right now.

I'll pause payments for next month (Probably the one after that aswell).

Hopefully I can get back to drawing stuff at some point in feb, It'd probably be good to get my mind of things, but I have literally no idea how long this is all gonna take, nor how things are gonna turn out, so no guarantees...

Regardless, I'll keep you all updated. 



I pray for full recovery, and rest . Take the time needed


Man, so sorry about the situation... Take care, and stay close to your father, i wish for his quick recovery.