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Now, you might have noticed that I've been a bit fucking slow recently...

Well, I'm going to fix that now.

I'm gonna spend some time getting my shit in order and establishing some proper work routines, so that when I get started with the next comic I won't have these dumb ass fucking breaks all the time.

The next 2 Months will be free of charge. I won't be gone that long, it's just gonna be a bit slow to start with, as I plan on gradually increasing the amount of work I do each day, so it's mostly to cover for that + some extra days as a bit of an apology.

Booba Commission is still like 80% complete, so it should be done pretty soon once I get working again. 

Thank y'all for putting up with me.

(tl:dr: I'm taking a short break to get my shit in order. Next 2 months will be free.)



Dont worry, theres allways those moments when even if someone tries their hardest Is not enough. As long as you keep trying thats what matters, at least to me!