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Well, I've got some good news, and some bad news.

Let's start with the Good news:

I've finally gotten my shit together and have been very productive for the last few days.

Bad news:

My Hard Drive fuckin' died and I lost everything.

Pretty sure the Universe is conspiring against me at this point.

The Universe can go fuck it self though, I shall prevail...

Added some more days to the next free month thing, as I basically have to redo page 24 and half of page 25. 

Shouldn't be any more delays from now on, assuming I don't get hit by a fuckin' meteor and die or something (which I wouldn't count out at this point).

Again, apologies for the delays.



its fine take your time dont rush yourself too much


I'm definately rushing at a Glacial-ass fuckin' pace alright...


Sorry to hear about the hard Drive thing. IT people like me also Will allways learn the hard way to back up things, either that or lose important data sooner or later.