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The December mini-loop can now be found in the #essentials-tier channel on Discord (4K), and #preview-tier (watermarked 1080p)!

VR version should follow roughly in a couple weeks, and hopefully before the holidays, as I won't be able to do any releases during that time. Note: I'm using Elena's voice for Clara in this one, as well as the previous short clip I posted. She'll have her own voice in the upcoming mini animation.

There's some minor collision glitching in the hair, as some might notice, at least if you focus on it, but I feel it's minor enough, especially considering the focus of the video, not to warrant further delaying of the release. Especially since I already did re-render these parts, as it was much worse before. Basically this isn't easily noticeable in playblasts, even if you know to specifically look for it, as it doesn't affect the hair shape much, and is mostly visible through the hair's reflectivity, so basically, something you can only see, after rendering. Although I'll try to fix it for the VR release, as I did figure out some things that should help with it. I'll possibly re-render the regular version after the VR one, with the minor fixes, IF it doesn't overlap with my other rendering needs, as it's not too distracting at the end of the day.

I admit this ended up taking quite a bit more of my time than expected, roughly a playblast's worth in total, when you take into account all the aspects, from animation, render prep, sounds, and post stuff. But I'll still be giving this a chance, as stuff like this is beneficial when it comes to retaining newly learned stuff from all the aspects of my work, which I hope translates to a overall more effecient work schedule along the way, and I'm sure many of you will appreciate having more regular content, outside of the bigger releases. And again, I'm hopeful I'll be able to optimize the time use with these as time goes forward.

Playblast of the upcoming AV animation should be out on Sunday/(probably)Monday, or at the very worst, by the end of Tuesday. I've honestly had some trouble settling on where to take this, while keeping it compact enough not to blow up into a bigger project that would again span several months (or a couple years in the case of devil's cookie), while also not being something quite as simple as "A quick snack" was for example. But I have my mind at least mostly made up, and have a script I consider pretty much finalized. I estimate the total length to be between 1-2 minutes. The current goal is to have all the animation done in January, and rendering started around the end of it. I'll start with the regular 1080p release, and then the VR release, (likely 4K or 5K resolution, depending on the how well I can optimize the render times).

The animation won't be 100% POV. Well it kind of will, but it'll lean on the stuff introduced in the previous Diminishment chapter, where Clara could kind of control what you see a bit. So, it'll jump between the player POV, and external cameras at some key moments. I was considering having a tiny floating screen as well, and I might still choose to go with that, but we'll see what I end up doing with it. There's also some dialogue planned for the clip, but not as extensive as in DC.

Overall planned schedule for the project atm:

  • 1st PB within the next few days
  • 2nd PB before the 25th,
  • 3rd and Final PB mid January.

These are of course only plans, and there's always a possible need to do a 4th PB for example. Again, I can't promise anything, except that I'll be posting a PB in a few days, and another one before I'm tied up by holiday celebrations.

That's all for now!


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