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I posted some reference images of the characters on Discord, if you need a refresher, on who's who.

Poll results from here and Subscribestar will be combined at the end!

Here's the earlier mentioned character poll for the upcoming POV (VR) Anal Vore mini animation! Again, note that any character selected will be updated to the new style, so the look will differ from the old, if it's for example one of the Diminishment characters, like Clara or Lucy and so on.

Jane is the new character who will appear in Ch2Pt2 as Lucy's friend. The only plan I have for her is that she'll be dark skinned, likely something close to African American. So this is kind of a "surprise me" pick, if you like that sort of thing.

No penny, since she was planned as a one off character, and might not feature again, so I'd rather not update her. This of course does not mean there won't be other characters with similar features in Dimini in the future. Of course, she's also not featured, due to me not wanting to do cock content two times in a row!

Similarly, Mio won't have her cock, if she's chosen.

I also won't include other side characters here, that were just versions of other characters, like Emma and the Captain, who are unlikely to re-appear in the future.

Poll is multichoice, so choose as many as you'd like. The two last options only matter if Mio (Red Succubus) option wins against the other options above the "Not a vote!" option.



Current combined votes (top 4): Clara 74 Mio 52 Lucy 51 Jane 37 Clara has a pretty big lead, but seems to be much more unpopular with substar subscribers, than patrons! Anyway, there's still a month left for the poll, so I'll do weekly tallies from now on.

Ichiro Houkou (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-03 23:07:36 Damn. I'd have loved to see more Lila. She'd be super kinky with tinies.
2023-10-03 23:07:36 Damn. I'd have loved to see more Lila. She'd be super kinky with tinies.
2023-09-29 22:06:18 Damn. I'd have loved to see more Lila. She'd be super kinky with tinies.

Damn. I'd have loved to see more Lila. She'd be super kinky with tinies.


Combined Poll results at the time of posting this comment: 1st Clara 152 2nd Mio 101 (+15) 3rd Lucy 85 It's starting to seem like Clara is a pretty clear winner, but I'll let the poll run till my break is over.