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As always, while some of the pictures, are close to final, some still require tuning.

Maw shot is still a WIP, needed to scrap the old slimier mouth object and revert to singular strands due to various limitations involving it, but I'll at least add more of those strands. There's 3 right now, but the two in shadows aren't really visible, making it effectively just the one. But you can see the new tongue materials there and what not. Also fixed Master's bright eyes. Posted the old picture as a comparison, Master looks much better overall, but Mio's breast has lost some detail, although not much but noticeable, but I'll keep tuning the lights, as I work on the other stuff.

I should be on schedule to get the first batch going around Wednesday-Friday, as was mentioned in the previous post. Assuming no unfortunate surprises with the hair sims. I'm almost ready to start doing them for the shots that I feel are ready for rendering.



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