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Master is now fully clothed (not rendered footage, as with previous playblasts). Video can be found in #preview-tier (5$) on my Discord server, as usual This playblast only goes up to the points where clothes are relevant somehow, so ends right before the part where Master tries to put Mio in her place. 

I'm still a bit undecided on the material I'll use for Master's clothes, leaning towards velvet, but we'll see. Colors aren't necessarily final either. There's still some minor jittering in the sims, nothing too big, but I'll probably try to fix it at some point before final, but if I can't get it fixed, it's not a major issue, and something I can personally live with, even if it's not perfect.

Mio also had her clothes fitted a bit better, they should not float anymore, and displace some skin as well, digging in a bit to the parts with slightly more fat. Also replaced the placeholder leotard blob, when she drops it next to Master.

So in short, clothes are now in a "good enough" state, except for render setup and rendering. But Master's sims might still see some minor polishing.

I wanted to have some particle effects to show by this point as well, especially where master shrinks and her clothes disappear (will either get turned to dust or smoke, will see which looks better), but those will take a bit more time, since there's still some things I need to learn regarding that, as I haven't done them properly since school, if you don't count the liquid related stuff I did for ch2pt1.

Anyway, I'll post something in a couple weeks again! As mentioned before, I'm aiming to get all simulation related work done before Christmas/End of the year.

Have a nice week!



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