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I hope everyone had a nice Holiday, and a start of the year, despite everything that's going on in the world!

The next progress preview, Playblast 9, is still estimated for roughly Mid-January, so it should be out in about 2 weeks or so.

On the progress of the animation in general:

I'd say there's at least a few months of animating left in total, before I'm done with the entire animation phase for this project. At least a few minutes of animation remains to be done. After that, there's still render prep, hair simulations/various polishing, rendering, post processing and so on. So the Final release is still some months away, but at least I'm starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Hopefully it will all have been worth the wait at the end!

Welcome to 2022!



Succubus Animation - Playblast 9 release estimate: 20th - 23rd of January.


It's starting to look like I won't get the PB out by Tomorrow, and will need to take a day or two more to get it where I want it to be. So the new estimate is: 24/25th of January. (I'll post the usual 24h/48h notice, once I'm confident it'll come out within that time frame) Sorry for the delay!