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Update 0.300e

  • Improvements to save management (Renaming/Sorting by Alphabet & Time)
  • Added a slider to modify video transition smoothness. If you have trouble with videos getting stuck in loops and what not, lowering this slider might help
  • Added option to choose Nina Affection value 3 in the player setup phase, when selecting chapter 2 part 1
  • Added Resolution settings in the Main Menu options menu
  • Added controls guide in the options menu, no rebinding at this moment, unfortunately
  • Fixed wrong video showing up for a couple moments at the start of the school CG event, when loading a game. (Old saves might still have it showing up)
  • A visual walkthrough by BryTheGuy is included in the game folder, which should be easier to follow than my txt

Update 0.300d

  • Fixed a certain ending not triggering at the end of Anya's path, when the "bonus" option was selected from the school section quiz
  • Added a better explanation for the keep in middle minigame to the tutorial image
  • Some other minor things I can't remember right now

Update 0.300c

  • "keep in middle" mini game should no longer be impossible. Also lowered the difficulty on this type of Minigame a bit
  • Fixed several inconsistencies with Nina & some endings and the quiz results, failure now properly leads to intended results
  • Fixed not being able to save the game during the intro parts of chapter 2
  • Fixed The Beginning intro of the game not working properly, you can now select choices again
  • Disabled HDR on the camera, as it wasn't really doing anything
  • Fixed some inconsistencies with video during the "bonus" scene
  • Fixed a bug that allowed clicking on the Minigames while the game was paused
  • Fixed name being fixed to "Anon", and male gender

Update 0.300b

  • Male option now works with Chapter 2

Update 0.300a

  • Fixed an issue where the game hanged on the first video (!!)
  • Added the missing QTE type to the tutorial image

The WIP version is finally in a state that I feel fine releasing it in! You can find it on Discord/the WIP gallery folder. In general, I tried to design this part in a way, that you can see most of the content without needing to fail on purpose. But some bad endings still have unique content! You can check them out in the walkthrough.txt, if you just want to get to the good parts as efficiently as possible.

Expect to still see bugs though, and weird text timing etc. at places.

Things missing:

  • Almost all audio
  • Music is placeholder, at least partly
  • Post Processing ( see test renders for comparison, if you want to see more what to expect of the final look. Especially internals look a lot better after post)
  • Portraits
  • Various polish, like backgrounds, typos, rephrasing or even removing/adding dialogue, etc.

I'll be working on Post next, followed by audio.

Let me know if you bump into any bugs!

This part

As always, I hope you enjoy!



Does the bot reinvite you to discord if you left. I was on the $1 tier then upgraded to $5 but no change. Though I would rejoin by leaving then disconnecting my discord and adding it again.


Didnt work for me, I am now stuck out of the discord


You need to change from the e-mail tier to discord tier to be able to access discord.


Hello as i wanted to play the game only the main menu worked but as i wanted start a new game or load an old the screen is black while you can read the text.


Can you see a video in the main menu? If not check the potential fixes in the troubleshooting readme to see if any of those help.


Also try, the various starting methods, vulkan, directx and opengl.


There's supposed to be a video of Clara and Anya on the Main menu, if it's not shoving up, there's something wrong with the video playback. See the things in the readme, especially: ///If videos aren't playing for you properly (black screen, etc):/// -Apparently some versions of windows 10 don't come with the required files installed by default. Try manually installing the MS Media feature pack for windows 10 here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/mediafeaturepack -try re-installing/or uninstalling your codecs entirely (there should be a looping video of Anya & Clara playing in the main menu, if you have a black screen instead, video's are not working for you). Restart your computer after uninstalling (or installing) any codecs. -Make sure the drivers for your graphics card are up to date:


reccomendation for mac users? can you make a video


There'll be a Mac version on final release. Although I can't guarantee it working as I don't have a mac myself. But others have had success with previous versions. There will be at least a re-cut video, similar to previous two parts, and possibly recordings, if there's enough interest for them.


it worked but as i playing and go through anja small intensive where the minigame you must keep beam in the middle i even lose when its perfect middle.


how do i play i cant find 2 part 1 on discord?


i see the compatibility test on discord from 8/11 but not the 2 Part 1 - Version 0.300c(PC) WIP release


Is it possible to see any made videos or?


I'm not entirely sure what you're asking here. If you're looking for the content gallery, you can find it in #essentials-tier on discord.


I'm a discord newb... do I need an invite to join your channel and be able to see all your videos?


No, you get added automatically, once you've connected your patreon account with discord. You can find information on how to do that, in the pinned post. . It does seem you are already in the server's member list, so you should find yourself inside the server, once you log on to discord with the account you linked.