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The latest progress playblast has been uploaded/posted on discord. Unfortunately, it's quite a bit short from the amount I was hoping to get done. 35 Seconds of new material, when I was aiming for a minute. Well, no use worrying about it right now. 

As with previous playblasts, Nina's hair being visible through objects is a just a visual glitch in the playblasts, it's not actually clipping through the skin.

There's still quite a bit left to animate. Taking into account everything I still need to do after I'm done animating (Dynamics, Rendering, Audio, PostProcess, Unity etc.), I'm moving my "End of March" release estimate to the end of April/Mid May. It shouldn't take longer than the end of May at least. But there's no way I'll be able to hit the March release window at least. No matter how I re-arrange my schedule.

Next playblast on the 15th of this month. Aiming for 1 minute again! Let's see if I can make it this time.

Sorry for the delays, 

I hope you enjoy!



Next playblast should likely be out in roughly 24 hours. Or possibly 48 if I'm not happy with my progress when I stop animating for the day tomorrow. But I'll post another comment here, if it seems like that might be the case.