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The latest playblast has been posted on discord!

How to link your Patreon with Discord

Some people have been having issues connecting their accounts for the last couple days. It  should go through eventually, if you just try again though, but if you can't get it working, feel free to message me.

If you're an old patron (or if you can't see the buttons mentioned in the first part for any other reason) scroll down to the part with "My creator just added Discord as a benefit — how do I get my Discord role?"  

Roughly 30 seconds of new material. Not much else to say at this point! Although there's a bit polishing to be done for some of the stuff on the new portion at least. 

Next one on the 16th of this month!



I sure hope thats not all we’re gonna see of the breast vore cause it looks too great to miss out on the first person perspective


i´m excited to see what happen next.


whats the discord group please?


Here's a guide to follow: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role If you can't see the stuff mentioned in the first part, refer to the section with "My creator just added Discord as a benefit — how do I get my Discord role?" Note that there's been some issues with discord for the last couple days, so if you have any problems connecting your account, try again. If you can't get it working, send me a message. Some times after you've connected the accounts, the system doesn't send the automatic invite properly for some reason.

Sijtze Roorda

my kink is to be in pusssy while fuceked


A small heads up: I'm changing my schedule around a bit, so the next playblast will come out on Sunday (16th). And the one after that will come out on the 28th or 29th. The one coming out on Sunday will likely have around 30-40 seconds of new material, while the one after that will have around 1 minute more. There will be at least one additional playblast on March as well, maybe two.


Should be out within the next 24 hours. Sorry for the delay, again :|