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The latest progress clip for the upcoming game part has been uploaded on discord & the 5$ tier WIP folder. Not quite as much progress as I'd have liked, roughly 20 seconds of new material. But new scenes always take a bit extra time to get up to speed. I'll try to make up for it on the next one, by trying to reach the 1 minute mark for the new section of the part for the next one.

In case you couldn't read it from the previous post, I'll be focusing on the game for now, untill the current part is done. Although I'm about to do a test run with the non-pov 180VR version of Fun with teach. But if it seems like it's a lot of work to get it looking okay, I might delay it until the game part is done, so we'll see!

I've also been fiddling around with bifrost, as I'll likely need some liquid sims for this scene.

I've posted an example of one of my earlier tests on discord and in the 1$ tier WIP folder.

Next playblast roughly around the end of this month!

Have a nice week!



Do you think u will finish the chapter 2 p1 on March?


It's hard to say for sure at this point. I'll have a better idea later on February.