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I have just received an e-mail from the Patreon trust & safety team, stating that I need to remove some content, or be suspended. Which to be honest, is pretty much all of it. I'm going to start deleting most of the content & links on my patreon page, so don't be too surprised when content starts disappearing. I'll send a mass e-mail/message to all my paid content to patrons who have completed an active pledge of 10$ later, in case the page gets suspended.

The relevant part of the message:

" Per our guidelines, we have zero tolerance for the glorification of  sexual violence, and this includes, in your particular case, depictions  of sexualized minors and non-consensual sexual activity. A character  being forcefully used as a sex toy is considered a depiction of the said  type. "

Now, I'm going to assume the "minors" part is in relation to Lucy, since she's the only one I feel someone could mistake to being under 18. She is meant to be 19, but I can see that someone might feel she looks too young. But I've asked for clarification regarding this one. Not that it matters, as most of my content falls under the other stuff as well.

I had assumed that not hosting it on Patreon would be enough, but apparently even linking to it is not fine.

I'm currently looking at alternative ways to delivering content to you. Something like subscribestar. 

Luckily they didn't suspend me straight away at least.

Don't be too surprised if the next playblast is late...

Until then, I'll keep you posted, as things develop further.


Gabriela Franco

Imagine being the person that had to review this openly & then write a description not only for you but the wider team, with name attached đŸ€­


That sucks! Thank you for sharing this. Do what you need to do to maintain your income, and please keep us in the loop of any developments.

Brian Graham

Please keep us posted. I will keep supporting you. Will the game stil be available?

Zeo, the Loyal

Don't people have to go and report you to have stuff like this happen?


Yes. Pretty much. They've stated several times that they don't scan for this stuff, they only act if people report it.


God fucking damn it, Patreon. It wasn't too long ago Karbo had to go through the same thing.


I'll delete the patreon posts that have links to it just in case. But I'll send a link either through e-mail or message, to those who have a completed active pledge.


Lol some people just don't understand our fetish.


Jfc. Looks like Patreon is going on their censorship crusade again. And no, the T and S team will stalk all of your social media and websites you post to and try to police your content there as well. They are jerks. Subscribe star and distribution via Discord and mega would probably be the better option. Reach out to Karbo. He went through this bs exactly last year. Right before x-mas no less. He can provide some insight on what he had to do and what worked for him. Key note is that the T and S can't open mega links to check your content if they don't have the encryption password.


Maybe Slushe is an alternativ for you, they are specialized for adult and erotic works. ^^ https://slushe.com/static/about.html


Also, to add, you are going to have to guess what content they have a problem with. You won't get a straight answer from them and they will dick you around for a month before you manage to get anything useful from them. Best case though is that the person you have is in a good mood and is not grossed out by your content.


Just make a patreon linked discord. Share everything there. If you need help setting one up let me know


I can't find any information on them about how they handle payment and what not, so they seem a bit unreliable. Subscribestar has a separate adult website these days, so I'll likely do an account there at least. But I'm worried about how well I can have people move there, and to be honest of the viability, it's taken 2œ years to get people to come here, I doubt they'll all move on to a different website within a few months.


Thanks for the tips. Discord is definitely one possibility as well.

Kabu Turnip

Maybe time to move to Subscribe Star instead. I was wondering when this was going to happen. They've been shutting down a bunch of channels lately. Please keep your Blog up, I follow it too. Patreon and the Neo-puritans are on the attack and are totally scanning for this stuff. Sorry they are being this way with you â˜č


Your content is fantastic and I will continue to support you no matter what platform is used. I know I have not contributed as much as I did in the past but that is due to a drop in income. Whatever alternative means you decide to use I will follow you there. Continue what you are doing it is peerless In quality.


Really? Not only you put a warning that your work is for adults, but you also warn about the fetish you use in your work. If someone finds it and feels offended it's because they deliberately ignored all of that and went in with the intention of getting offended. Also... I think that the good part of this fetish is that it is purely imaginary. The moment we can reduce matter in such a way, it's going to be use din so many other ways before it can be used for a fetish. XD Hope you can solve this!


Write a pinned message saying that all of your content is 100% consensual, and that they're just roleplaying. This works for BDSM and Hypno patreons.


Man Patreon has done this to so many people I pledge to, so where are you going to jump to?


So what happens if your account "did" get suspended?


I disagree with the non-consensual part just because I think people view themselves in the position of the tiny person or the one that's being used which doesn't make it an aggressive kind of fetish its more like you're the one being used instead of vice versa. idk if this makes a difference but I always put my self in the place of the victim . As for the minors stuff I have to agree. doesn't matter how old she is labelled as she still looks and sounds too young.


This could probably work. Karbo was dinged for that reason. He had a picture of a tiny woman in a preds mouth and the tiny looked distressed and was shouting no. The point was to be non-con though so Karbo couldn't go that route.


This is really concerning. We're always walking in a minefield and every step could be our last. And in this case, it's really serious because from what I could gather from the message sent to you, it seems that there was an actual HUMAN patreon-staffer, who sat down, reviewed your content and then decided to issue this statement. No bot or automated message... I can see the reason behind their judgement, even though I disagree with it. Sexual violence and especially depiction of minors in porn IS a huge issue, but since your characters are overly stylized anime-like figures, I don't think the latter one is applicable here. Be that as it may, I really wish you the best in dealing with this situaton. I will still support you as much as I can regardless if that gets me a reward or not. I see the end result of your work and your ability to do it as more than enough of a reward.


I believe there are some Japanese alternatives to Patreon out there, I follow a couple of artists that use them. I’m fairly certain you wouldn’t have to worry about censorship there considering how much different Japan’s laws are. Either way, I hope you’re able to come up with a solution, hate to see your content disappear :c


He would have to follow Japanese censorship laws and obscure the vag. Not to mention most won't sign up to pay when they can't read Kanji. It's a no go. Too difficult a move and would alienate his base.


Aargh, well that’s disappointing. Just imagine the insertion scenes being nothing but a censorship blur. Quality content! Thanks for the info 👍


It's sad that this is happening because I don't see other people doing stuff on the level of quality you have! Hopefully things workout and you keep us updated via posts, email, your blog or whatever means you find to continue doing your great work. I wish you the best my friend and hope to be along for the ride. 👍


Fucking Rip. Please do keep us posted on how this progresses. Do not want to lose track of your work, its fab!


Oh my fuckin gawd,every time we have something good going someone has to be an ass and report everything. I think Karbo had this same problem before though but his Patreon still work's. Can you keep your Patreon but make a private discord where you can put the links, or rather encrypt your mega Link's so they can't directly see the content.


It's not quite that simple. I'd have to use something like CCBill to handle payments, which takes a huge cut. Not to mention I'd have to do a lot of learning, since I don't really know anything about creating a subscriber based system, or hosting it for that matter. I'm just not confident about maintaining my own website.


Thanks for all the words of support! I've created a subscribestar page, but unfortunately for some reason it's claiming there's a maintenance going on when you try to unlock a tier on my page, despite it working fine for other creators. I'll try to get it resolved. I'll send a message to all patrons once it's working properly.


I agree that labels don't really matter, but it's not like I'm claiming she's a 1000 year old loli dragon or something. She clearly has a fully grown body, and not the body of a child. The VA is also an adult woman. But it's stylized, and up to interpretation, so it's understandable that some people would see her as younger. But do I really need to change a character's design due to the interpretation of a handful of people? I'd like to believe that the majority don't see her as underage however. If it does become a problem though, I guess I could give her pubic hair or something. The reason I removed them in the first place was because they were voted out, and it did save on rendering times.


That and CCBill have been known to cut off payments to contributors that they deem "not safe."


On the bright side, whenever censorship is coming down the pipe, it makes your work all the more rare, and desired. People want what they can't have, and if they are trying to cut off your contributions to the art, then it should drive your support all the greater. When will they learn?

Sunlight Swift

Whats ridiculous to me is they could fund depictions of people being non-consensually being shot or stabbed all day long but not sex. It's fantasy. Nobody actually agrees with it in a reality anymore than people who watch Stephen King movies want to see kids being butchered by clowns. Fucking braindamaged tyrannical assholes imposing their perverted views of conscience on everyone is what this is to me.