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Some of you might have noticed, that a lot of images & attachments were removed from old posts. 

This is all due to this post on reddit I saw earlier. How is this different from before? Well now, instead of just suspending someone temporarily, so they can do changes, they outright deleted his/her page without warning.

This is a precautionary measure, just in case. All images & videos that have a chance of possibly falling outside Patreon's policies will be hosted outside of Patreon from now on. Probably on MEGA, but I'll add mirrors if needed for the few who can't use MEGA for any reason.

You don't have to worry about running out of bandwidth while using MEGA with my files. As before, I'm sharing my allocated monthly amount with anyone while they download my files.

I'll still post header images, but I'll limit them to things that I'm 99% sure should be fine within the guidelines. 

I think I've now done all there is that can be done. Other than closing down the page, which I obviously won't do. If things go south further I might start considering setting up a page of my own with CCBill or something, but I really hope it doesn't come to that. 



Have you ever tried Ko-fi They seem to be a bit more open about these things.


If it comes to it, I think it's best to just go with my own page. Patreon used to be "safe" as well, until they started accepting paypal and similar stuff. There's no guarantee the others won't go the same route down the line.


Just know if anything ever does happen and you're able to contact everyone make sure you do, because whether it's your own site or another place like patreon I wanna be there. You're pretty much the only person I've ever cared to give money to with this kind of stuff. Even if you dont though, I'll find you ;D


This sucks =( , thanks for informing us, I even mentioned to another Patreon I support.


Go ahead and set up the seperate page and ccbill. That way, people can start switching over ahead of time (things will probably only get worse.)


This would obviously be the smart thing to do. But I have nearly 0 experience when it comes to creating and hosting my own website. I'm already swamped with doing chapter 1 of the game. I'd at least like to finish the first part before having to start figuring this stuff out.


Why must the world hate smut so

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

Looking a bit further into it then it seems to be due to the crushing fetish stuff and not the vore. He e.g. had things like people becoming bloody stains from giantesses stepping on them. Still a shame it happened as creators shoudln't be limited like that. Just want to point out that we shouldn't start panicing as this doesn't appear to have targeted the vore.


It's more about payment processors viewing it as high risk rather than hate (people are more likely to do charge backs/fraud etc, with adult content). And that's why paypal and such are pressuring patreon to do these changes.


As I found out recently, Patreon will no longer accept American Express for paying creators with pages marked as "adult". I looked into American Express's website and found a PDF guide, a "Merchant Reference Guide". I did a search for the word "adult" and sure enough the first item on the list of "prohibited uses of the Card" had "adult digital content sold via Internet Electronic Delivery". I guess that's what they count all Patreon adult content creators as. It's such bullshit, I hate the idea of all these people judging me like this. And I don't know if I believe the idea of it being a "high risk" anymore than any other "Internet Electronic Delivery" goods.


It looks scarier than it is, cos this time they outright removed her page, but there is actually a chance of survival. The letter she received from "April" is very similar to the letter I got when I was suspended. I gave her my tips to solve her issue. I dunno why I call them "her" tho. I have no idea about their gender :D. Anyways, I hope you never get a strike, not just cos I want to see you payed for all that you do for the community, but fuck at this point I'm seriously mad about the social justice war destroying our freedoms and telling us what is correct and what is not.


Reading that reddit post just made me fucking hate this site harder then I ever have. And trust me, I've steadily disliked it more and more. So they took the creators money and then ran with it. What a fucking disgusting site this place has become. If it an't credit card fuck ups, it's ruining peoples livelihood with no warning to them so they can prepare.


I'd say backup plans will be enough. A blog and alternatives will help for sure..Though most the alternatives I know are jp, unsure of good english ones :C.


Yeah, turns out their appeal didn't go through :/ Of course I don't know the details of the conversations they've had with T&S, but this all certainly is pretty worrying. And stressful!


I'm only here for vore contents on this shitty site due to my OCD. People's dicks probably can't withstand the content.


Any plans on doing a pov of the tits and ass?


No plans at the moment. It would be a lot of work for that particular scene so I'd rather put that time in new content.