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Quick update: The unity release might be late a day or two (so Monday or Tuesday probably), this is all taking a lot more time than I'd like! I'll also have renders of the new character out around the 14th-16th.


First, a huge thank you to everyone of you for helping me reach over 5000$ in total pledges! 

I'm pretty surprised at the sudden growth during the past few months, especially during this month, since there hasn't been that much visible activity compared to previous months. In the first place, I never expected this to grow so much in a year. Even my optimistic predictions assumed I'd cap at 4000, and then maybe get to 5000 slowly after a few years. 

At this rate I might be able to afford hiring someone to help me with audio, or making new characters, or something similar! Although currently getting additional rendering equipment is a priority.

I hope to match your expectations on the upcoming months, and I hope I don't fall short!

Progress report on the Unity version:

Sorry for the slow month regarding content!

I might have been a bit naive thinking I could get this done in a couple weeks. In addition to needing to rest a bit, after pretty much working non stop during May and June, learning to use C# and Unity has been a bit hard on me. Learning to use UE4 was much easier thanks to the blueprint system, which is a bit more artist friendly I feel! But it's all finally coming together. Mostly thanks to a kind person on deviant art, who wished to remain anonymous. 

Before they arrived, most of my time was spent with going through tutorials, and learning some C#. Basically, they built most of the base systems for me (outside of the VN plugin itself, which I got from the Unity assets store), so that ended up saving me from figuring out a lot of stuff myself. Especially since I'm not that experienced with coding. It's likely that what I would have come up with, would have caused issues going forward, so I'm very glad they got in contact with me, since I can be a bit stubborn about asking for help from people.

So, currently I'm in a position where all I need to do is piece everything together. Well not that that's a small task either. And there are a couple things I still need to figure out. But if all goes well, I should have the Unity version released for patrons some time next week, I'm hoping before the end of the month, but I can't promise that. Public release will follow a couple days after again, to make sure there's no game breaking issues before that. I'll also release recordings of the prologue at this point.

After all that is done, I can finally get back to creating new content! Which will be an oral vore scene, with a rope climbing (or something similar)  mini game. It will also feature a new character, so I'll be posting pictures of her, once she's done in early August. I'd like to have a WIP of the scene out during August with playblasts as well. But we'll see how all that goes. So expect a bit more activity on August.

The pictures are examples of portraits for the Unity version. These will be used during dialogue parts outside of events, and during internal scenes, or when a talking character is off screen. I will however include a button to hide/unhide them and the UI, so you can still view the videos unobstructed as well.

Initially I was going to have them animated, but I'd need to model clothes for that, and there's currently no time to do that. Also, I want to be sure most computers will be able to handle the videos, before I add additional videos on top of that! In the end it's improving the presentation, which isn't as important as doing actual new content, but it's something I'd like to have at some point.

I was actually considering commissioning someone to make me drawn portraits, and I still might do that in the future, but we'll see.

The clothes here are place holder, and are just flat colors painted on top of the models, they're also missing shoes! I'll eventually have 3D clothing, but it's not a priority yet, unless a scenarios requires them for the interaction etc.

Thank you all for your support & patience!

Have a nice weekend!




Congradts on the growth! Also cool to hear that Unity version seems to be going well also. Deffiantly looking forward to that.


Always happy to see progress, Ez. Keep up the good work~

Rune Petersen

Awesome :3 I'm looking forward to the update, Hopefully there will be much more unbirth XD


Awesome stuff Eskoz, keep up the good work! Its crazy how you have come from doing short videos to a full on game at this point. Your success is well deserved :D


Love ya, Eskoz. You're awesome


Super happy to see you're doing so well! :D


now if only we could get a VR version of the game


No need to rush! I'm pretty sure everybody agrees with me that, we don't mind waiting. Can't wait to see the end result tho.


Thanks everyone :)


I'm aware, but there's not much I can do about it. The only way to prevent it is to inconvenience the legit paying patrons with stuff like charge up front, or monthly deliveries with the patreon message system, instead of releasing the content in posts. Both options are bad due to many reason in my opinion. I'd be lying if I said it didn't annoy me, but I like to believe that most people who like the content, and can afford it, do end up as paying patrons! So going on a crusade to try to prevent it, probably will just end up making things a lot worse. That said, can you edit the site name out of the comment? I doubt that many people know about the website, and it's obviously better if it remains that way, click the dots, and then the pencil below your post to do that.


well Eskoz it was one of those sites that your content was for free that i was able to find you and actually wanted to see more of your pics, vids, and games. so to show my liking of your content i am now a paying patron for you.


Quick update: The unity release might be late a day or two (So Monday or Tuesday probably), this is all taking a lot more time than I'd like! I'll also have renders of the new character out around the 14th-16th.


Just to save the f5 buttons, it'll be at least 24 hours until the release. I'll keep you posted, if things change further than that. But there's not that much left to do, so barring any major surprise bugs, expect it soon. Recordings, and a possible Android version will come a bit later though! I still need to experiment with android building, but getting the actual prologue out is the priority!


Can't rush art man. Take all the time you need for (another) masterpiece :D


Thanks :) I did bump into more issues, but managed to figure out a fix least. I'll definitely be going over that 24 hours estimate thanks to that though. I really hope I don't bump into anything else! I mean it's better that I bump into them, rather than the player, but still.


Hitting a bump isn't unusual when it involves sexual stuff ;) but I suspect it isn't that kind of bump^^ Mind if I ask that aside from Unity being able to handle the CG better. are there any other advantages/changes Unity brings?


While that's the main advantage I'm interested in at the moment, it does open the possibilities more in the future as well. So I won't be as limited by the engine if I want to do something more special with the game at a later date.

Eskoz (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-31 16:36:22 Slowly getting there, sorry for all the delays! I'll probably first release a version without the extra internal moans I talked about last month. Hopefully within 24 hours (again...). And then add the moans before the public release & recordings. I won't have access to the computer on friday & saturday, so I really want this done before that at least.
2018-08-08 22:03:06 Slowly getting there, sorry for all the delays! I'll probably first release a version without the extra internal moans I talked about last month. Hopefully within 24 hours (again...). And then add the moans before the public release & recordings. I won't have access to the computer on friday & saturday, so I really want this done before that at least.

Slowly getting there, sorry for all the delays! I'll probably first release a version without the extra internal moans I talked about last month. Hopefully within 24 hours (again...). And then add the moans before the public release & recordings. I won't have access to the computer on friday & saturday, so I really want this done before that at least.


Not much left. I shouldn't have trouble getting this out before I go away for the couple days! I'll try to get a version out before I go to bed in around 5-8 hours, or in the morning after waking up before leaving. I'll definitely leave the extra audio out of this version for now, and maybe the internal portraits, I'll have to see if I have time left after everything "essential" is in place.


Do be sure to have toast to yourself and tap your own shoulder while saying ''you did a good job'' ;)