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I figured it'd be a good time to revisit this one, since now I actually have some examples available and I've been receiving some pretty mixed comments regarding the dialogue tests. Some seem to like them, and for some the voices seem to pretty much ruin the clips. Which wasn't that surprising honestly, considering how put off people can be even with professional dubs on shows & games, me included!

So what do you think?

This is a taste poll, and won't have an end date. Like with all taste polls, it won't 100% determine what I do in the future, but I'll use it as a reference to see what people want.


Minamoto Terumi

Voice acting's really distracting, particularly amateur stuff and *especially* male voices (Men should be silent actors in porn). Gasps, screams, moans of pleasure etc. from girls are fine but otherwise I just mute things.


Again, I for one really do enjoy the VA. Just think that particular example of Abbie felt a little... offbeat. Slurring words together in ways that just didn’t feel natural. I’d definitely try again!


Me and my friend feel like the Hestia voice actor fit your girls rather well while Abby... not so much but that’s our opinion.


I'd vote for the version where there's a voiceless version if the voice lines were replaced with other noises such as moans. (Once more, lip movements without dialogue could be just as distracting as VA that doesn't mesh with me.})

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

I really hope you keep the verbose dialogue. It really improved the clips in my opinion.


Agreed! Hestia was perfect! Would 100% back up the decision to use her for Clara from now on if that’s what happens.


I’ll also agree with quality of the Hestia dialogue for Clara, fit really well. I think people will respond better if a natural fit is made for a specific character, however that mainly comes through trial and error.


Hestia was good enough. The less voice acting the better. My opinion is only use it when animations and sound effects do not get an idea across.