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I figured I'd post a poll while waiting for the renders to finish. Since I can't really work on anything while the scene is rendering. Usually I'd only render during nights, so I could work on day time, but if I want it finished before the end of the month, I have to have it rendering around the clock.

This one is to determine the pred for the next scene after this one. I'm considering making a new character. That basically means a new hair style, new skin, and some minor sculpting / proportion changes on the mesh. It's a few days of extra work, but I obviously can't just keep making videos with these two forever. Let me know what you think.

The character will be naked here as well, as making clothes takes time. But it's something I'd like to do at some point.

After the unbirth clip is done, I think I'll update the male character and begin to gradually make SM versions of the completed clips on the side. A new poll will be posted at that point, to determine the category of the clip after that.


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