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Remember how I said I'd do the rest of the simulations, before I bother polishing what I already had? Well. I ended up doing the exact opposite, and scrapped everything I had done, and remade the entire simulation rig.

Now it of course did set me back a bit. But I now have a much more flexible setup, with better collisions and volume retention, so it's worth it in the long run at least.

Anyway, I've posted some progress from the stuff I've done on discord in the #preview-tier channel. There's some bits here I might improve a bit, but this time I'll really do the rest of the animation first, before doing further polishing of the simulations. There should be no further reason for me to redo the simulation rig at the very least, as it's working pretty much how I want it to work right now. Any polishing regarding it will be tuning physics values and what not.

I'll post more around the end of next week. Goal is, again, to get the remaining simulations and audio done by then, but I've said that so many times already, that it's probably a bit meaningless to repeat at this point.

That's all for now!


Sveinung Kristiansen

Is there a link. To discord? How do I find you there 😅


You get added to the server automatically, after linking your patreon account with discord: https://www.patreon.com/posts/read-before-faq-43377514


Hey! I'm still working on the simulations. I'm getting pretty close to being done with them, so I'll refrain from posting a progress clip, until I'm done with the simulations & the audio. I'm expecting to be done around Wednesday, but I'll post a separate update, if for whatever reason I'm not done with those by the end of Friday.