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I'm going to have to delay the final playblast a bit further, due to a bit of an accident with one of my teeth while flossing, where I managed to rip the filling out, leaving me with 1/5th of a gaping stump of a tooth. For the first day there was no pain, but now on the second day, while it's not the worst tooth related pain I've experienced, it's still more than enough to make contentrating on anything quite challenging. I expect to be able to see a dentist within a day or two, so I should be able to resume work at that point.

I was already a bit behind schedule when this happened on Sunday, when I was expecting a Tuesday/Wednesday release for it, so I think it's safe to assume the final preview won't be coming out before the weekend.

I know I've been delaying this quite a bit at this point, but it is still being worked on, and progress is being made, and it will come out eventually, hopefully within a week as mentioned above. There's really not that much left to do, outside of simulations and some relatively minor animation related stuff, although it's hard to estimate the exact remaining workload, as I'm relatively new to simulations.

Note that there won't be any miniloops until I'm done with the AV animation, which I'm aiming to have rendering before the end of the month, and released some time in May.

I'm also considering some changes in the way I handle mini-loops in the future as well, based on how they've been affecting my overall schedule since I started doing them. Maybe an alternating schedule, where one month I work on mini-loops/other small stuff, and then on the following work on the ongoing project. But more on that, as I figure things out more, and make a decision.

That's all for now. As always, sorry for the delay.


Solace Chaostra

Yikes, that sounds like such an annoyance. I remember my wisdom teeth surgery, this sounds much worse!

hidden stranger

A medical happenstance with a hint of irony. No worries, your own health and well-being is more important, and I'm used to waiting for animated projects since it already takes a long time for those. In my eyes, the longer the wait, the higher the quality... most of the time anyway.