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Hi everyone ^_^

Things have been rather quiet around here lately, so I thought it was important to explain the current state of things to you all.

Sadly, I've had a bad run of illness over the last couple of months, along with a variety of other issues, that have left me rather slow to get things done. I'm fine, so don't worry too much, but the string of flu's and other issues have knocked me out of my development flow.

I've done the best I can to try and keep on top of things, especially when it comes to artwork and planning, so more of that will drop soon (fingers crossed). However, writing for the game has reduced to a slow trickle over this time.

My current aim is to get out what I've been putting together, mostly a collection of small scenes for the school and bug fixes, sometime this coming weekend. Then use that build reset to figure out where I'll be going with the next build, with the likelihood being that I spend some time sorting out the underwear system, adding in some new outfits, and just some more general additions.

Sorry for the delays, but I thank you all for your patience. Hopefully we can get back to more regular development builds soon ^_^



Get well soon. I hope you feel better please take care of yourself the game can wait until you’re better.

Keenan Hope

Wishing you all the best:)