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Hi everyone ^_^

A little while back, a friend and fellow author sent this fan art to me, and I couldn't abide not sharing it with you all :)

The author, Memory Of Snow, does a lot of great writing that I think might interest many of you, so I thought it'd be good to give him a shout-out. He mainly writes about modern-day kink, with a focus on consensual slavery/submission and a bit of pet-play. He also puts out a monthly newsletter on his Patreon that often features a 3-D render of Alice from The Repurposing Center, which has always been fun for me. So, if any of that sounds good to you too, then maybe check him out through the links below!

Links To His Work

Collaring Of Chloe (Story about the kink community, consensual slavery, and pet-play) -> https://www.literotica.com/series/se/45534422 

Mittens Has Class (The origin story of Mittens from Collaring Of Chloe, more pet-play themed) -> https://www.literotica.com/series/se/493649603 

Patreon -> https://www.patreon.com/Memory_of_Snow/posts 




Getting to use Alice in my newsletters has been an absolute pleasure for me. She was instantly one of my favorite characters in your game and I have had so much fun getting to have her as a regular member of the monthly letter cast. Thank you so much for the sweet mention here and I really hope your Patrons enjoy the bit of art. Riley is another of my favorites (which shouldn't be a surprise) and she came out so adorable in this that I pretty much have to make more art with her now. Hahaha


Hi Memory ^_^ Thank you once again for the fan art, for including my characters in your newsletters, and for just being really nice :) You're more than welcome for the shout-out, it's well deserved. Sorry for being a bit slow to put it up, the last couple of weeks I've been a bit out of it, though managed to push through my writers block a few days ago and get back into writing. Completely agree on your version of Riley coming out great, she's one of my favourites too


Hey, as slow as I put out chapters, I have no room to comment on anyone taking a while to put something up. Hahahaha Honestly, as I see it, it is you who is owed the thanks for just letting me use your fun and amazing characters. Alice has become such a great part of the monthly letters and I am grateful that you've been so kind as to allow that.