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Hi everyone ^_^

Welcome to another weekly build update, covering what I'm planning to work on this as part of the upcoming build, along with what I've completed for it so far. I've been a little quiet these past few weeks, wrapped up in trying to figure out the final parts of the skill system overhaul, along with getting some artwork commissions worked out.

So far this build I've done some long needed expansions to the wardrobe, in particular so that; players can determine how much information is shown, can filter for specific tags, and can see which outfits are suitable for the upcoming school content. On top of that I've added in two new exercises (both in the gym and in the automatic system) that allow players to meditate (slightly lowers weight and decreases bimbo exp), and a version of the Dairy Breeding form into the sandbox Henry interactions. I'm also part way through the rest of the skill system overhaul, and adding in info boxes (optional) that will give players information about their experience, item, and quest gains.

As such, my major plans for this build are;

  • Skill System Overhaul (In Progress) - With the basics of the new skill system in place now that the new; levels, experience, skills, level-up, mechanics are now all in place, I'm going through the process of adding experience to new scenes. There are also some other things that need to be tweaked or added, such as reworking the pickpocket system.
  • Bimbo Skill System Tweaks (In Progress) - The initial bimbo experience setup seemed a bit over tuned, so I'm going to lower the build-up of bimbo experience, but also have it so that bimbo makeup also adds to bimbo experience. Further, I'll be adding in a couple of new purchase-able traits which will allow the player to have an easier time managing the bimbo mechanics.
  • Info Boxes (In Progress) - I'm adding in an option so that players can see info boxes which let the know about experience, item, and quest gains. The players will be able to set the level of info they see (or none at all), so that it isn't too disruptive, but so that players don't miss important information either.
  • Slave School Intro - Occurring sometime over the first few days within the player's stay at the facility the player will be invited to spend a day to be introduced to the Slave School. To attend the Slave School players will have to set off in the first work/training/dating time slot of the day, with the visit taking up the majority of the day (first 2 work slots or first 3 in some instances).

    On the first visit players will; be introduced to their new classmates and teachers, receive a free school uniform, be tested to determine their capability, and have the Slave School explained to them (there will also be lunch). There's a lot to it, so it might be written over multiple work weeks to make sure it is just right.
  • Fem/Sissy Trainer - If possible I'd like to continue work on the the Sweet Sissy path of the Fem/Sissy Trainer. The next encounter will be the player visiting their first ballet session, which will be an embarrassing experience for them. It may also end in a more sexual encounter with Laura depending on how the player acts.

Low priority content that I might get around to (or at least that I'm keeping in the back of my mind) includes;

  • Player Scene Images Overhaul - This one has been on the back burner for a while, but down various content paths I've saved up a selection of alternate images featuring the male and or female player stand-in. My hope is to change the code to allow players to select whether they see these images or not, but also select whether they only see one gender version of the images, and also be able to select whether it only shows the appropriate image to the player's current genital situation.
  • Add New Outfits & Underwear - I've got a few big batches of underwear and outfits still to add to the game. I've been putting them off mostly because I want to get the clothing reclassification done first, but if I can get that done I'll start adding these too. The clothing sets I have saved up include; Pet-Play themed outfits, Hucow themed outfits, degrading/prostitution outfits, some sexy outfits, clothing for the Fem/Sissy Trainer content. There is also a big batch of general underwear images.
  • Underwear Store - Seeing as I've got a lot of new underwear images to add to the game, and so far only one real underwear store (that also sells other clothes), I've decided to create a second underwear store for the game. The new store and its owner are already featured in the Fem/Sissy Trainer content for those who are curious.
  • Slave Catching Intro - This is a lower priority, but I'd like to start at least working towards the basic framework for the catching side of the slave capture and training system. To start this, the first scene will introduce some of the major NPC's related to slave capture, sale, and training.

Complete aspects of the build so far are;

  • Meditation Exercise Options
  • Wardrobe Updates
  • Hucow Dairy Breeding Form Sandbox Option

The current ongoing poll is about appearance related options, so if you're interested and haven't voted on it yet then please take a look at it.

Hope you all are excited, and happy gaming ^_^


Andrew Kutis

I just realized that the player scene image overhaul most likely only applies to the pictures you see of yourself when something happens to you (i.e. getting your diaper changed). I thought for some reason that the image we see when examining ourselves was getting an update and that grey viewing of ourselves would finally get some color.


Hi Andrew ^_^ Whilst that is true, the customizable player avatar image will also be getting an update soon as I recently received a big new batch of artwork for it. Not only are there more options attached to it, but it also has everything in colour ;)


A small issue I've been experiencing is that when I choose the sissy path when talking to laura, it doesn't load the sissy trainer content. it instead loads the feminization training. this has happened on several occasions.


Hello Aaron ^_^ Thank you for the bug report, I'll look into the issue. This might be because I need to do some reworks on the random encounters still to account for sissy path players, so I'll check that out too :)