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Hi everyone ^_^

Welcome to another weekly build update, covering what I have planned for the upcoming build. This week I want to get a couple of miscellaneous things done before I move onto the next big addition (probably the start of the Slave School content). 

As such there are three things I want to work on. The first of which being the first new piece of ABDL content in a while, a dedicated ABDL store. I've had a decent amount of ABDL clothing and accessory images building up for a while, so I want to finally get them into the game. The next misc area of content I want to work on is Allie the furry wolf-maid's next quest task, as I've been slow to handle commissions lately. The last misc addition I want to work on is some interesting pregnancy content integration for the Hucow Dairy job, where the player can opt into being bred when non-pregnant (with non-human options available too). 

In terms of other content I am interested in potentially working on the next Sweet Sissy path encounter for the Fem/Sissy Trainer content, which will be an embarassing ballet lesson. I also would like to get some work done on player character stand-in images within the game, and how the game selects them, as I have a number of Pet-Play and ABDL images for male player characters I need to get edited and into the game.

As such, my major plans for this build are;

  • ABDL Clothing/Accessories Store - Having never gotten around to adding in a specific ABDL clothing/accessories store, this too is something I want to get added into the game. The store owner for this one has already been polled, with the artwork ready, so hopefully it shouldn't take too much effort to add this location to the game.
  • New ABDL Clothing & Accessories - As part of the upcoming ABDL clothing/accessories store as mentioned I have a selection of new items I want to add to the game (and images already prepared to go with them). This should be a nice new influx of ABDL related apparel, though not all of them will be immediately available to players, as a couple of pieces are being saved for the ABDL Trainer overhaul as unique outfits to that.
  • Allie Next Task - Allie the sissy wolf-maid will be getting a new task (potentially more depending on how well the writing goes) in the upcoming update. I want to work on the next of her special tasks which will require the player to consume cum (or fem-cum) that Allie has already prepared for them. Players without the Cum-Play fetish tag active will be given the option to skip this section of the quest line. The quest after that will involve giving free oral service publicly, all while Allie cheers the player on.
  • Hucow Dairy Job Breeding - The next story encounter for the Industrial Dairy job will be focussed on breeding the player, and explaining breeding within the dairy. There will be more content to this for players with pregnancy content active, with the player being able to choose (or not being able to decline depending on the circumstances) being made fertile, and then having breeding sessions when visiting the dairy job while not pregnant. Part of this will also see an option to potentially be bred by robotic options, or 'non-human' options, depending on the fetish tags the player has active. 

The other things I'll be looking to work on potentially in this build are;

  • Fem/Sissy Trainer - If possible I'd like to continue work on the the Sweet Sissy path of the Fem/Sissy Trainer. The next encounter will be the player visiting their first ballet session, which will be an embarrassing experience for them. It may also end in a more sexual encounter with Laura depending on how the player acts.
  • Player Scene Images Overhaul - This one has been on the back burner for a while, but down various content paths I've saved up a selection of alternate images featuring the male and or female player stand-in. My hope is to change the code to allow players to select whether they see these images or not, but also select whether they only see one gender version of the images, and also be able to select whether it only shows the appropriate image to the player's current genital situation.
  • Add New Outfits & Underwear - I've got a few big batches of underwear and outfits still to add to the game. I've been putting them off mostly because I want to get the clothing reclassification done first, but if I can get that done I'll start adding these too. The clothing sets I have saved up include; Pet-Play themed outfits, Hucow themed outfits, degrading/prostitution outfits, some sexy outfits, clothing for the Fem/Sissy Trainer content. There is also a big batch of general underwear images.
  • Underwear Store - Seeing as I've got a lot of new underwear images to add to the game, and so far only one real underwear store (that also sells other clothes), I've decided to create a second underwear store for the game. The new store and its owner are already featured in the Fem/Sissy Trainer content for those who are curious.
  • Slave Catching Intro - This is a lower priority, but I'd like to start at least working towards the basic framework for the catching side of the slave capture and training system. To start this, the first scene will introduce some of the major NPC's related to slave capture, sale, and training.  

There were no art polls for last month, but I'll be doing my best to ensure that I get polls out soon.

Hope you all are excited, and happy gaming ^_^



Is there an updated link for patreon subs so we could access the cheat menu?


Hi Quantumtootz ^_^ Sorry, but I'm not really sure what you mean. I just tested the Patreon/Subscriber build and it has the cheat menu in it. The public build does not, however, because the cheat menu is a supporter bonus. I hope that makes sense and answers your question :)


Is there an updated link for the patreon build for IOS then?


Sadly I have never produced an IOS version of the game. I do in the future want to run hosted versions of the public and patron versions, however, at the moment this isn't the case and any hosted version of the game is not an official one. Sorry for the disappointing answer, but I hope that answers your question :)


Okay. What’s the link for the patreon build? I’ve been looking but haven’t been able to find it


The link for the Patreon build is here -> https://www.patreon.com/posts/repurposing-0-5-63182342 It's also linked in the pinned post if you ever need to find the most recent build again :)


Is there a concussion for the little helper quest line in the nursery?


Hi Kristie ^_^ At the moment no, but I want to return to it soon. Development has had some big delays lately, however I'm doing my best to get back on top of things. Sometime in the next few weeks (after I add in the new ABDL shop) I want to finish off the Diaper Racing mini-game line, after that Kristen's plot-line is the next piece of ABDL content I want to work on.