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UPDATE: I managed to figure out a work-around to get it working again. 

Seems like there is an issue with my integrated graphics (or at least the ports relating to it). Hopefully this shouldn't cause any additional issues other than throwing me into panic. Thank you everyone for bearing with me, having spent 5 hours already on this I didn't think there was going to be a solution today, but I'm glad that there was ^_^


Hey everyone,

My computer has broken in some way that I can't yet determine. I'm not sure how long this will take to fix, or whether it's fixable. 

If it isn't fixable I'll be losing about a month of work (and possibly some of the artwork).

Please can someone on here notify my Discord community and other forums of this, as I'm understandably busy trying to fix the situation, and don't have easy access to many of these accounts on the computer I'm using to write this.



Oh no 😱 Hoping you can fix it! Good luck, that sucks 😣 (I reshared the message to Discord)


Thank you Woxper ^_^ I didn't expect to find a work around to the issue, but thankfully I should be fine now (though I'm still nervous about my system). Thank you again for letting people know, was really worried for a moment there :)