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Hi everyone ^_^

Sorry for being a bit quiet lately, development on the Fem/Sissy Trainer content has been slow going. As such, I wanted to quickly talk about the current development, and gauge people's opinions on the matter.

You see, the Fem/Sissy Trainer content takes a lot of time to write. A major part of this slowness is because of how complicated the content is. Between a lot of coding (especially for new systems), lots of choices, and making exceptions for certain circumstances, it has proven itself a much bigger task than anticipated.

The best example of this is an upcoming scene where the player has three choices, however, because it involves sex there are two partners basically doubling all of that. The result was that the single encounter was about 15k words of content, and took the best part of a week to get done. Now, not all encounters are that complex. Some have complex elements (like the panty checks), yet the scene itself is relatively simple. However, sometimes big chunks of content like this really slow down the builds.

As a result of this, I've been getting worried that you all are annoyed by the delays. I also know that not everyone is interested in the Fem/Sissy Trainer content either. That's why I've put this poll together to see what you all think about my intention to go through the Fem/Sissy Trainer content until it's an entire complete section of content (with room still for more random encounters/tasks to be added over time).

I do think that the Fem Trainer S2 will be much quicker to write, as there are big elements of the Sissy S2 branch that overlap (with minor alterations). This is more about whether you want me to do the stage 3 branches now, or leave them until later (with the understanding that I might take a long while to get back to them.

Hope that all makes sense and isn't too rambling.

P.S. This is an advisory poll, and will not be the only factor in my end decision on the matter.



Going to the end of that storyline might eliminate any crossover with future content unless it's mostly stand alone. It may create more work if you need to go back and change something. Just a thought. You know better than we do.:)


Hi Trent ^_^ Thanks for the feedback :) There is unlikely to be much crossover in the narrative encounters (those that are part of the plot-line), though content crossover within the tasks/random-encounters may exist. Part of my plan is to mainly work on the main narrative encounters and systems currently, and then circle back to the random encounters (and most of the tasks) later. That said, going back to change content later is always a risk XD

Raven Leaf

It really depends. Does writing it come easily for you or are you getting burnt out? If you are forcing yourself to write and work, the quality is going to be subpar and can kill you mood for other aspects of the game. So really my answer depends on how well its going for you to work through it (how you honestly feel, not trying to live up to other's expectations).


Hi Raven ^_^ That's a very good point. I have had some burn out with writing it, though I'm not sure if that's just because it's such a long piece of content that I thought would be shorter when I originally planned it. I am over the burnout now, and I'm enjoying writing it. I also do like the idea of having an in-depth and complete area of content there for players. Basically, I'm kind of torn on how to feel about it. The only thing I can say for sure is that I want to complete the full Feminization (stage 2) branch before I move on :)


I hate needing to go back and rework something when I got ahead of myself. Sounds like you've got a good plan though.


All that we (I speak only for myself, but I am sure others would agree) ask is you don't burn yourself out again. We as fans don't want to see this game fade from its pedestal as a top game to a subpar piece. We all saw it with Breeding Season, though for a different reason, and other games too I am sure. I gave this speech once already to the artist of the Person Preview system you created on discord and I'll say it again, don't burn yourself out, if you have to go back and continue with something else, please do, we love the work you do and can't wait for more, however long that takes.


Thank you Thunderman. I really do appreciate it, and am doing my best not to overdo things and burn myself out ^_^