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Note 1: Sadly a bug was found just after launch of the new build with the new coffee stall, however, this has now been fixed. Thank you for your patience, and thank you also to CboyC95 for their help in quickly bringing this issue to my attention.

Note 2: Another weird bug was found regarding the new Janus Beans coffee stall which made it inaccessible. This too has now been fixed, thanks again CboyC95 ^_^


Hey everyone, and welcome to a new Patreon build. This current build is currently at 1,557,487 words, and 2208 passages, so over 12k new words. Sadly, there were some significant delays on this build due to health issues, but thankfully those are now mostly resolved. This build itself still covers a new coffee stall (with a new NPC running it), some fun new options on the Jess quest, and some finishing touches on the impregnation system, so hopefully some fun new content there.


Recently I've been working on a wiki for the game, which will cover all  sorts of interesting behind-the-scenes information on how the various  gameplay elements work, along with providing quest guides. There is  certainly still work to do on it, but if you need a helping hand, or  just want to check it out, then you can find it on the official website  -> here


The main content is; Janus Beans Coffee Stall, Jess Quest Expansion, Impregnation Additions.

1/ Janus Beans Coffee Stall - Janus Beans is a coffee stall found in the Recreational Hub, and owned by the androgynous and friendly Janus. However, players will not be able to visit Janus Beans during the evening, as it is only open during the day. Whilst food/drink isn't too important currently, in the future when the (optional) hunger/thirst system is in place it will be a helpful additional location. For the time being though, it still offers a way to get cum for cum addiction players, a way to recoup energy, and some nice new interactions.

2/ Jess Quest Expansion - The Jess quest has been expanded to include a new set of solutions revolving around planting illegal items within Agent Gary's home and then alerting Alice the AI to them. Players can get sabotage items from Dr Radcliff, Seb, or Gary, though some of these options are easier than others. Meanwhile, planting the evidence itself can be done when visiting during the day or night, with night attempts being automatically successful, whilst day visits requiring the player to have either the criminal background or the pickpocketing trait to avoid a 'Bad End' (the same one gained by unsuccessfully attacking him). 

3/ Impregnation Additions - Lots of minor additions/edits to the impregnation system have been made. This includes minor edits to the various scenes, but also more substantially adds relationship gains/losses both from the NPC's discovering they were impregnated, and when the player either keeps/gives-away the child. Jess can now also begin to lactate after discovering she is pregnant if the player has lactation content active. 

Other additions include; Mostly the extra content is bug fixes, though a logo image for Janus Beans and for an upcoming store (Spunkies) have both been added to the game, on top of a long list of meaningful tweaks, edits, and bug fixes.

In other news, the winners of the main poll last month were Jasmine and Alice, who as a result will both be getting impregnation content (for the player to impregnate them). Meanwhile, the winner of the ABDL poll was for more Adult Diaper options. New polls for a female Pet-Play Trainer and extra NPC interactions are still up if you haven't voted yet. Hopefully I'll be getting out the commission-tier thank you messages and updating the in-game 'Thank-You' list over the next few days (sorry again about the delay on this).

Change Log:

- (Com) Janus Beans - Janus Beans is a coffee stall found in the Recreational Hub, and owned by the androgynous and friendly Janus. Players will not be able to visit Janus Beans during the evening, as it is not open at night.

- (Com) Janus Beans First Time - Upon your first visit to Janus Beans, players will have a special encounter where they find out a little more about the coffee stall. 

- (Com) Janus Beans Normal Visit - Upon normal visits players will be greeted and asked for their order.

- (Com) Janus Beans Stock - The stock page for the coffee stall has been created.

- (Com) Janus Beans Drinks - Currently there are 4 drinks options, those being; standard coffee, latte (potentially with hucow milk if they have lactation content active), espresso, and latte with cum (if the player has cum content active).

- Jess Quest Sabotage Setup Day - Players can now attempt to plant sabotage material within Agent Gary's home during their day-time visits, however, they will only be successful if they both have sabotage material to plant, and they have either the criminal background or the pickpocket trait.

- Jess Quest Sabotage Setup Night - Players who have picked up sabotage material to plant within Agent Gary's home will be able to do so without issue if they attempt to do so on a night visit.

- Jess Quest Sabotage Caught - Players who attempt to plant sabotage material within Agent Gary's home during the day-time visits and don't have the criminal background or the pickpocket trait will instead be caught, leading to a 'Bad End'. This ending was previously (and still is) accessible by attempting to attack Agent Gary and failing to do so.

- Jess Quest Sabotage Rescue - Players who successfully plant sabotage materials in Agent Gary's home will get a special scene of the aftermath of doing so upon re-visiting his home.

- Jess Quest Sabotage Seb Help - Players who have undergone Seb's mini-quest to help him will be able to ask him for help with Jess. He will offer to sell the player drugs in exchange for 500 G.G.P, which will be usable to sabotage Agent Gary if correctly planted in his home.

- Jess Quest Sabotage Dr Radcliff Help - Players who have 50+ relationship with Dr Radcliff, will be able to ask him for help with Jess. He will offer to give the player some of his confidential research, which will be usable to sabotage Agent Gary if correctly planted in his home, however, this will lower his relationship with the player by 25 points. 

- Jess Quest Sabotage Felicity Help - Players who have completed all of Felicity's mod quests will be able to ask her for him. She will give the player an illegal hacking drive, which will be usable to sabotage Agent Gary is correctly planted in his home.

- Jess Impregnation Lactation - Players who have Jess as a roommate or slave, and have both lactation and pregnancy content active (after having Jess made fertile and impregnating her), will also find out that she's lactating after having discovered her pregnancy.

- Impregnation Keep/Give-Away Relationship Gains And Penalties - Some NPC's will be really happy if you keep the children you had with them, whilst some may be upset at the player for giving the children away.

- Impregnation Relationship Gains - Some NPC's will gain a relationship boost with the player upon discovering they were impregnated.

- Lots of smaller impregnation edits/fixes/improvements.

- Automatic Trough fix (Thank you rusal703)

- Hucow oats fix (Thank you Kristov)

- Colour procedures fix (Thank you WubWubPwny)

- Job hygiene checks (Thank you Magpie)

- Riley encounter fix (Thank you CboyC95)

- Day progression macro fix (Thank you Crizice)

- Mari quest Tony B conversation fix (Thank you Crizice)

- Underwear plug fix (Thank you sonderjack)

- Relationship sidebar page heading description fix (Thank you sonderjack)

- Chess Man fem/masc transformation fix (Thank you sonderjack)

- Gelato fix (Thank you sonderjack)

- Alice diary entry error fixed (Thank you Crizice)

- Intro grammar update (Thank you CboyC95)

- Davis date dirty fix (Thank you sonderjack)

- Pet-Play pet choice scene fix (Thank you sonderjack)

- Multiple minor typo/editing fixes (Thank you sonderjack)

- Janus Beans access bug fixed (Thank you CboyC95)

- 2 new logo images

- New variables added.

- A few minor bug fixes.

Hope you have fun :)


Charles Hinkle

I wish Janus becomes an interactable NPC you can date.


Hi Charles ^_^ Glad to hear you like Janus. We'll see whether the person who requested them likes the character, but I'm more than happy to add more content to them :)


Whenever i try to play the game the images dont show anymore could you potentially tell me if something is blocking them? Is there also a way to play the game not on a online site when you download it?