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Hi everyone ^_^

This update on what I'm up to probably isn't going to interest everyone, so before we get into things I just want to be clear that I'll be talking about ABDL/Diaper content. For everyone else don't worry, there will be a new update coming out very soon, featuring a wide collection of new clothing, underwear, and accessories.

For those interested regarding what I've been up to on the ABDL/Diaper content this build, I'm proud to say that I'm finally overhauling the Diaper Racing mini-game. This was an area of content that was originally commissioned relatively early into the development of the game, and which was then commissioned for me to further expand upon it by another commissioner about a year ago now. 

This has been one of my most daunting commissions, because the scale of the game rework involved is just huge, but equally I'm really excited to breathe some new life into that mini-game. What kind of changes do I have planned, well the biggest news here is that there will instead be a wide range of opponents to face instead of just the one, each with their own weaknesses and strengths. In total there are currently 13 different opponents, including both existing characters and a few new ones, these opponents divided into three difficulty categories (Easy, Medium, Hard). 

In time there will be ranking system, and a special ending available for players who complete all of this content, along with a trait that will give players who achieve it higher payouts from ABDL jobs and some extra content in the eventual auction ending path. However, for this update I'll just be implementing an opponent list for you to face off against whoever you currently want to. 

The biggest part of the current overhaul (other than adding in so many characters), is that many characters will have special abilities that will impact how the mini-game plays. Some of these special abilities and special rules will have a minor impact (benefiting or disadvantaging them), others will have more of an effect on the strategies you need to take to win.

Below is my current list of opponents and their special abilities. Some of these will require extra fetishes to be active for the special rule/ability to be present, though the characters will still be included (unless the character also involves fetish content you don't have active in your game). It's also finally worth mentioning that you'll still generally need to meet the characters mentioned for them to be an option to play. So, without further build up, here is the current roster;

  • Malus (Top Tier): Agnes Cheats - Malus was the original opponent and still remains the final opponent in the league (unless the player has their sexual preference set against male characters). His special ability is that Malus's carer Aunt Agnes will literally cheat in various ways throughout your game against him.
  • Aurora (Top Tier): Bottle Roulette - Aurora is another top tier character, that can be the top league character if you don't have male characters in sexual scenarios as part of your customization. In Bottle Roulette every third round is instead a 'Bottle Roulette Round' where a table in the middle spins giving a random option. The player (or Aurora) can either drink the bottles contents or pass, but if they land on the worst outcome they have to drink it, making Bottle Roulette a bit of a gamble.
  • Daisy (Top Tier): Tea Party - Daisy has generally high stats, though handles drinks better than food. Her tea party ability allows her to call a special tea party scene once a match, which massively benefits her. She also adds tea to the drinks options, which she handles much better than players.
  • Katie (Mid Tier): Double Up - Katie has decent handling of food but handles drinks worse. Her special ability allows her to make both parties eat/drink double what they normally would 3 times per game, making the earlier rounds tougher. 
  • Billy (Mid Tier): Double Up - Billy has fairly decent stats, and has the same special ability as Katie (not that he'd admit it if asked).
  • Hannah (Bottom Tier): Temper Tantrum - This only applies if Hannah is sent to the Nursery. Hannah has low stats when faced-off against, and her special ability means that every round there is a chance that she has a tantrum, leading to her gaining an additional punishment for misbehaving. Her special ability is entirely negative, making her an easy opponent.
  • Kristen (Bottom Tier): The Tammy Set Up - This only applies after a planned area of content that hopefully will be coming soon (but will be accessible beforehand). Kristen has good stats, but will befalls mysterious 'glitches' and set-ups which will negatively impact her chances of winning, making her easier for the player to beat. She will also have an embarrassment stat that players will contend with, where she plays more poorly the more the player embarrasses her.
  • Polly (Bottom Tier): No Ability - Polly doesn't have any special abilities, and has generally poor stats. She's an easy character to beat and get used to the game playing. 
  • Jonathan (Top Tier): Kings Decree - Jonathan has decent stats, and also a powerful ability. Every round Jonathan decides an item of food/drink which is 'not allowed', if the player chooses it they receive an additional punishment. This requires the player to pay more attention to what's going on when playing against him.
  • Sherwin (Mid Tier): Diaper Idol - Sherwin has mid level stats, and a powerful ability, but she plays much worse when she gets angry. Her special ability allows her to avoid punishments when she's in a friendly mood, but that bonus goes away when she gets angry as the crowd will start to turn on her.
  • Allie (Mid Tier): Cum Drinker - Allie has mid level stats, and a decent one time ability. Allie can once per game make both players drink cum until they fill up, instantly losing both competitors a point, however doing so also makes Allie happy if she's been made angry. She also adds cum as a regular option to the drink/food menu.
  • Shawn (Top Tier): Fast Eater - Shawn is a new character with very high stats. His special ability though is a weakness, as the longer he goes the lower his max capacity gets, making competitions against him more about lasting long enough to get the advantage than straight up pushing your way to victory.
  • Willie (Bottom Tier): No Ability - Willie is a new character with very low stats. Like Polly he has no special ability and is meant more to get the player used to how the game works. He also is prone to embarrassment like Kristen, playing worse the more the player manages to embarrass him.

That concludes the current roster of opponents. There will be lots of expansions on what is mentioned above, but I think that covers most things for now. The only other thing to mention is that like Malus currently is, Aurora will have some extra content and the ability to play her at the game from the sandbox once a day, as extra Aurora content here has been commissioned too.

The current state of the game is that I've got the basic AI reworked, all of the general options reworked (might need to add a couple more), the player and opponent states reworked, and most of the beginning and end of the game reworked. So, I'm still working on the special rules, the ranking system, the beginning & end scenes, a bit of the AI (so that it reacts even better), and maybe a few new general options within play. That might sound like a lot of work left to do, but given that everything so far done is about 50k words of new content, I don't think it'll be too bad in comparison.

Hope you're all excited as I am to see this area of content expanded. Until the next build is release, happy gaming ^_^


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