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Hi everyone ^_^

Well I missed getting the build ready for the weekend, so have pulled back for a Friday build this week. Thank you for your patience, I'm a little rusty at predicting the schedule. Seeing as this format is easier, quicker, and more read-able, I'm just going to do a quick update on progress so far and a few additions I've added to the plans seeing as I've expanded the deadline for the build.

So, without further ado, the plans for the build are;

  • More Jess interactions [In Progress] - On the new Jess roommate/slave content, so far I've added scenes to enslave or un-enslave her. However, since then I've recieved the awaited alternate character busts for Jess, so I'll be going back to add in the ability to switch those up. 
  • Vending machine dormitory store [In Progress] - With this update I'm adding in a vending machine store to the main hall of the dormitory, which will let you buy various snacks. Some will be cheaper but more fattening, some will actually help you lose weight (but be more expensive), some will cause TF's (highly random - or within a specific type of transformations depending on what you're eating/drinking), and some are just normal food/drinks. As of the time I'm writing this I've finished the shop section and am working on the eating/drinking scenes.
  • In-room wait option - Something I've had requested for a long time is the ability to skip through the day without having to work, train, or go on dates. Of course there are a few issues in implementing this, mainly with creating in-room scenes for when various issues trigger (lactation spill, sex addiction, cum addiction, etc.), but those scenes are planned as part of this addition. 
  • Pet-Play Trainer tasks framework - A long awaited expansion on the existing Pet-Play Trainer (stage 2) content, I'm hoping to add in at least the framework for tasks and then try to get a little more done each build. So, hopefully there should be some interesting mini-quests/tasks spread into the Pet-Play Trainer content soon, along with punishments and rewards for how the player performs.
  • Bunny-Girl Pet-Play Trainer Bad End - A polled piece of content, I plan on adding a new 'Bad End' to the Pet-Play Trainer content where the player becomes a pet-play bunny. The theme is that the player will be bought up by am amusement park that has a picturesque area of wilderness (or faux wilderness) filled with frolicking bunny-girls playing with each other.
  • Rachel the fox-girl follow-up random encounter (Commissioned) - Some of you may have seen the random encounter where a Center scientist suddenly gets turned into a fox-girl with multiple white tails. Well, this follow-up encounter will involve the player bumping back into the transformed scientist, learning a little more about them.
  • More Aurora scenes (Commissioned) - Aurora the ABDL furry cat-girl should be getting some minor job encounters (within the Little Land Nursery job). I don't want to overcommit how many I'll get done this build, but hopefully a few will be done. I'll also be setting it up so players can shop with Aurora through the job too (so you don't have to go out of your way to purchase bottles from her if you're already visiting the nursery for your job).

The parts that are complete for this build so far are;

  • Complete the roommate/slave task system [Done]  
  • Complete the roommate/slave sleeping system [Done] 
  • Keep better track of player upkeep/finances [Done] 
  • Task and sleeping conversation options with roommates/slaves [Done] 
  • Minor updates to the intro [Done]

Hope you all are excited, and happy gaming ^_^


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