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Hi everyone ^_^

It feels like a little while since I last posted, and I've run over the schedule a bit this time, so I'd like to explain what's going on. For the short version though, I'm finally hoping to get this build out over the next 48 hours, with some major set up in the new Patreon content that should give an idea about my future plans.

The longer version is that near the beginning of this week I had the bright idea of getting the Chess Man content worked through, and then things kind of snowballed. In a sense, one of the intentions of the Chess Man content was to provide an alternative route into various areas of content, however, this repeatedly hit a brick wall. You see, content like the Bimbo Hypnosis was written very early into development, back when I was far less skilled at writing/coding and didn't plan properly for future content. The result of this was that they weren't easy to direct players to if they disliked the framing of the one route that existed.

Well, that couldn't last forever, so I've begun to create some work arounds, first slotting them into the Chess Man content. As such, I've created in this build; an alternative bimbo trait (all of the bimbo hypnosis none of Tony B interaction), a forced lactation (can't just be removed), a sex addiction / heightened libido trait, and a cum addiction trait. These new negative traits will be explained in more detail later, but the plan is that they'll begin factoring in pressure to players (who get them) to having to manage having orgasms (with built in interaction with the chastity content), or getting cum.

This eventually will be expanded into a reworking of the facility punishment system, where players will receive actual punishments along the way before finally being thrown out (as currently it can catch players by surprise that they've been in trouble for a while). These punishment traits will also be factored into another planned area of content, Alice's Experimentation Center, where players will be able to accept negative 'experiments' in exchange for a large sum of points, with a much larger price attached to removing them.

Of course this is still very early (for example I've only seeded the orgasm code to masturbation scenes so far - so it's hard to manage the heightened libido punishment), however, I hope this will give you a better idea of the things I'm working on and towards. Having content cross over and interact has always been an important part of my plans for the game.

I think that's everything, hopefully that explains the situation and why things are going a little slow. Thanks again for your patience, and fingers crossed this teaser has you all excited ^_^

Happy gaming ^_^



Really looking forward to all this new content. Well done on the hard work but make sure you're looking after yourself too as it seems like a Heck of a lot to accomplish so fast working alone.


Thanks Maru ^_^ It's always nice to hear that people are excited about upcoming content. But, yeah, I probably do need to look after myself a tad better, have a habit of overstressing myself (and stretching over my original plans). Still, now that the base-work is done on the new content it should be smoother sailing going forward :)