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Year 3 Repurposing Center Anniversary Poll

  • The Jess Reintroduction Quest 27
  • The Auction Path (First Night) 17
  • Submissive/Slave Trainer NPC 28
  • Dr Radcliff's Dating Path 2
  • Agent Davis's Dating Path 5
  • Britney's (Bimbo) Quest (Part 1) 11
  • The Bunny-Girl Gentleman's Club 12
  • Dairy Job Story Expansion 16
  • Expanding Club B Exhibitionist Job Tier 6
  • 2020-06-03
  • 124 votes
{'title': 'Year 3 Repurposing Center Anniversary Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Jess Reintroduction Quest', 'votes': 27}, {'text': 'The Auction Path (First Night) ', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Submissive/Slave Trainer NPC', 'votes': 28}, {'text': "Dr Radcliff's Dating Path", 'votes': 2}, {'text': "Agent Davis's Dating Path", 'votes': 5}, {'text': "Britney's (Bimbo) Quest (Part 1)", 'votes': 11}, {'text': "The Bunny-Girl Gentleman's Club ", 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'Dairy Job Story Expansion', 'votes': 16}, {'text': 'Expanding Club B Exhibitionist Job Tier ', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 3, 14, 8, 45, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 124}


As part of the upcoming 3rd anniversary of The Repurposing Center being put in development, I wanted to give a little something more back to you all for your support. This poll covers a number of areas of content that I've either set up, or mentioned previously, but have never actually got around to. In a way, this is your chance to finally tell me to get on and work on something specific.

In terms of the poll itself, you can select multiple options to vote on. 

1/ The Jess Reintroduction Quest

Poor Jess, she's in the game's introduction and then falls off the face of the planet. If this option wins, then I'll add in to the game Jess's planned first quest that will reintroduce her. The quest will revolve around Jess having been bullied and blackmailed by a guard within the facility who extorts her for her points. 

The player will have multiple options to get her out of trouble, beating up the guard, taking her place, buying her out of trouble, setting him up to get fired, calling in a favour from someone more powerful, etc. Finally, after saving her, the player will have the choice of either letting her go, demanding a reward, or claiming her for yourself.

2/ The Auction Path (First Night) 

The Auction Ending is a major route within the game that has a lot  planned for it. This planned milestone covers completing the end of the  first night testing that the game currently begins, along with introducing other NPC’s who are being auctioned off. Players will have  various choices to make, such as spending their money to make friends with the other trainees or spending it to increase their own value in the upcoming auction (possibly with negative repercussions from the  other trainees). 

3/ Submissive/Slave Trainer NPC

The Slave/Submissive Trainer will be male or female depending on the  players preferences and will train the player to be more submissive.  This trainer will be heavily focused on making the player obedient and  sexually experienced. There will be a Stage 2 of this trainer too where  they step things up, however, there is unlikely to be branching paths on  this trainer. 

4/ Dr Radcliff's Dating Path

Dr.Radcliff’s dating path will eventually become available, in which the  player will get to know him further. The player will take the role as  his lab assistant and general helper, discovering more about his  attachments to the history of the facility. In his personal quest,  players will help him try to overcome a long-term issue that he’s had,  resulting in possibly a large-scale physical change to him.  

5/ Agent Davis's Dating Path

Davis’s dating path will continue, culminating in a quest where the  player has to help him untangle himself from the bureaucracy of the  facility. Davis will continue to have two dating paths, the sweet and  the degrading one, though even on the degradation path Davis will come  to like the player more. 

6/ Britney's (Bimbo) Quest (Part 1)

Britney the bimbo has something to do with Club B. Can the player find a  way to cure her strange mental state, and if they can do they want to?  This long questline will pit the player against Tony B as they look  further into his dealings. A quest with multiple endings, some of which  have a major impact upon the facility. 

7/ The Bunny-Girl Gentleman's Club 

The counterpoint to the cat-girl maid café, the bunny-girl’s also have  an establishment the player will be able to visit and work at. The  bunny’s, however, instead run an old-fashioned gentleman’s club complete  with brandy and cigars. Players working with the bunny’s will have to  gain favour with the various clients who come in, as the bunny’s measure  their worth in how happy they’ve made others with those who help the  most being held highest within the group. 

8/ Dairy Job Story Expansion

I also want to continue on with the Dairy job, progressing further down  the storyline within it. This will continue with the player being  introduced to ‘farm shows’ where hucows at the Dairy (and other hucows  too) compete to be graded as high-quality cows. These shows are  embarrassing showcases of the hucows ability to produce lactation, as  well as enticing others into drinking it, but winners will be much more  sought after and find their lactation to sell for an increased pay-out.  The ‘farm shows’ will be a repeatable event with a one-week cooldown, so  even if the player misses out, they’ll have additional chances to win  one. There will also be a special ending for players who place high  multiple times in the ‘farm show’, though it will be an optional ending  on the part of the player.  

9/ Expanding Club B Exhibitionist Job Tier 

As it stands the final tier of the Club B bar-girl job is currently more  of a placeholder than an actual job. I plan to finally flesh out the  placeholder job encounters currently there, along with writing some new  ones that showcase the player as a tantalizing exhibitionist promo girl  for the club.  


Hope you're all happy with this poll, and excited for another year of game development to start. I'll also be doing an in-game scene related to the anniversary, along with picking out something I'd like to add to the game for myself (whilst you might not think it I rarely get to add new things that aren't polled/commissioned/core content these days so I'm excited).

Happy Gaming Everyone ^_^

P.S. I'll hopefully get to all of these eventually. Just might take a little while.


Wild Bill

Oh, Jess, definitely. I really love the idea of our character, despite their situation, learning to game the system and develop their own little powerbase within the Center. Bonus vote for Britney and Club B Exhibitionism, as I'm a big fan of bimbos. Also I really like the dairy, but the farm shows don't sound all that fun to me, sorry.


Hi Wild Bill ^_^ I can understand that. Whilst I've not been great at handling opportunities for dominant players so far, it's something I want to provide better in the future. Jess seems to have a lot of love coming her way (or at least the chance to own her XD). Bimbo's need love to, so I get the vote there after they've been neglected for content for a while (not as long as poor Jess though). As for the Dairy, the farm shows would just be part of that, more of a mechanism to let players know if they're doing well on the lactation rates front. I'd also be writing more scenes for the various characters involved in the Dairy to expand on them if that one won :)

Charles Hinkle

I was hoping the Davis and Dr. Radcliff quests would also happen in a friendship sense and not only by dating, you know?


Hi Charles ^_^ That's a good point. Previously I've not put too much effort into the friendship side of things (other than accessing certain quest solutions from it), but you do make a good point. Going forward I'll try to keep in mind giving (where possible) alternate options for accessing those end of dating path quests for players who max out friendship as well. Thank you for the suggestion :)


I'm most definitely all for the bunny club and dairy expansion. Maybe a Henry dating path if you choose one set in the hucow show 5 times and picked cowgirl under the petplay trainer? You could make both of those and a minimum affinity with Henry the flag for unlocking the "Pride of the Dairy" ending where you get bought by them. (if you have one)


Hi Maru ^_^ Happy to hear that you're excited about the bunny club and the dairy expansion, even if they don't win this time they'll arrive eventually. As for dating Henry, he was originally envisioned as a dating-path, though dating paths have proven more time consuming to write than originally estimated, so I'm not sure when I'll be able to do it. That said, there certainly is planned multiple endings for the dairy content, so I'm sure I'll produce something there that you'll enjoy ^_^