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Hi everyone, and welcome back to another monthly and weekly update on what my plans are for The Repurposing Center. It's been a while since the last time I did one of these, so thank you for your patience, I'm attempting to get into a more regular output schedule including; weekly updates, regular alpha's (two a week), and weekly Friday/Saturday releases.

Last month saw me putting out the big version 0.4.1 build that overhauled the games start and pre-game options. For the most part I think these alterations have been well-received, however, like with anything there are still problems within them that need fixing (such as me adding in the alternate clothing options during the intro for masculinization players). I also worked on; a new Maid store with both Allie and Marcus working there, the start of the chastity system, Felicity and her quests (will be fully fixed soon), the Chess Man, Jonathan and his ABDL castle, the new background system, lots of new difficulty options, new scenes for the dairy, and much more. It was certainly a feature rich month ^_^ 

This month (or what's left of it) I want to concentrate on commissioned content, putting out the new (commissioned) adventure for the Little Land Nursery as my major goal. After that the more important goals I have left for the month are; putting in hygiene reactions for date-able NPC's, starting the (commissioned) overhaul (and fixing) of the Diaper Racing mini-game, including the (commissioned) Aurora ABDL character to the game, and expanding on Kristen and the Chess Man's content sections. 

In terms of ongoing polls two new monthly art polls are now up, so if you've missed those please go and drop your vote into them, the first of the polls is about a new mini-quest, the second is about ABDL content. As for complete polls, I've received the artwork for the previous Pet-Play kitten chasing a robo mouse image and am currently in conversation with my general artist for the dragon bride, Lollipop petting, and bimbo clothing images.

In other news; Repeated here in case you missed the last update I have two big announcements to make.  

Announcement 1 - Big plans! Yes, we're almost at one of the major Patreon goals (in fact we've technically passed it now)! Thank you all for being amazing supporters, I really couldn't do any of this without you all supporting me and giving your feedback. The original plan for this goal was to create a wiki for the game, however, I want to merge that goal and a later one together and put together my own website at the same time.

The benefits of this over doing everything piece-meal is firstly that I'll have another location to keep you all up-to-date on things (just in case anywhere else closes down or kicks me off). Secondly, I can have more control over the game wiki, so no mischief can go on with it. Thirdly, having my own site will allow me to (hopefully) host the game online, so all you android and tablet players will finally be able to play the game easily without the download issues. Fourthly, I'm hoping that this will make the game more visible, so with more support and a larger community I can put out even more content. And, finally, having a website would be pretty cool ^_^

With that being put in place, I might want to re-arrange some of the Patreon goals or add some new ones, so if anyone has any suggestions please leave a comment or message me

Announcement 2 - A while back, over two years ago now, I started early development on a small game named My Space Princess, an interactive novel about transformation and yuri romance. However, due to all sorts of things going wrong with my health and time, I had to shelve the project despite having some of the assets I needed. Well, I hope to now pick back up on the project but in a new form, turning it into a full-on visual novel. It might take some time, but keep your eyes out for developments on that ^_^

P.S. My apologies for this coming two days later than intended, I ended up having to chase up after thesis feedback much sooner than expected.

P.P.S. I'll be sending out commission pledge messages later today, sorry for the wait.



The polled and commissioned content backlog is finally starting to clear up, but I'm still quite behind in some cases handling commissions from over a year ago. This is partly down to me over-promising when it comes to these areas, so in the future I may need to scale these down.

The open commission spots as of this moment are:

- All Taken (Sorry ^_^)


Monthly Plans

This month, my main aims are; To try to catch up on major polled and commissioned content areas. My first goal is to complete a new adventure for the Little Land Nursery that was commissioned a while back now. After that the more important goals I have left for the month are; putting in hygiene reactions for date-able NPC's, starting the (commissioned) overhaul (and fixing) of the Diaper Racing mini-game, including the (commissioned) Aurora ABDL character to the game, and expanding on Kristen and the Chess Man's content sections.  

1/ [ABDL] Mom-ster Dragon Kitchen Escape Adventure - The plan for the first of two commissioned ABDL adventures is for the player, as part of the Little Land Nursery's adventures, to be captured by a large anthro-dragon mom who will baby the player. The player is tasked with figuring out the right combination of actions to free themselves whilst the dragon mom attempts to capture them and keep them in the room until the timer runs out. In a sense it'll be kind of a mini-game, as the dragon mom will have a slightly randomized routine and reaction set, including feeding the player, strapping them in a high chair, putting them in mittens, etc.

2/ Date-able NPC Hygiene Reactions - Something I've had requested a few times, the plan here is to have a piece of code that totals up all the players bad hygiene situations (cum on clothing, bad breath, sweat, etc.). That code will then play at the beginning of each date, with each date-able NPC having different tolerances when it comes to how dirty the player can be whilst still willing to go on a date with them. This will make staying clean a little more important, however, not all NPC's will care or react by cancelling the date (for example Tilly doesn't mind as much, whilst players on Davis's sweet dating path might be taken instead to get showered before the date continues as normal).

3/ [ABDL] Overhauling the Diaper Racing Mini-Game - The Diaper Racing mini-game was something I did relatively early in game development, and whilst fun and interesting I've wanted to do more with it for a long time. Well, thanks to a wonderful commissioner who adopted this idea, I'll be expanding (and fixing) the current mini-game in some interesting ways.

My plans are to have the Diaper Racing Mini-Game be able to handle a large extendable pool of opponents within the Diaper Racing league. Each opponent will have different AI reactions, different stats, and will each have specialized action that only they can make use of. I'll also set it up so people who only want sexual encounters with one gender of NPC will only have those NPC's to play against.

4/ [ABDL] Expanding Kristen's Plot-line - Kristen so far is a sweet, if not a little clumsy and forgetful, nursery caregiver. The plans for Kristen is that a series of encounters with her will progress over time interacting with her, in which she'll be bullied and babified slowly by Tammy another caregiver introduced in Kristen's content. There are longer-term plans attached to this content, but I don't want to give away much more than that for now.   

5/ The Chess Man - The Chess Man who was introduced in the last update has a large amount of TF related content planned for him. Basically, players will be able to play chess games against him, in which they'll have a variety of choices over how they want to play (cautiously, decisively, purposely losing). Players can get various outcomes, going from complete victory's, partial victories (winning the prize money but getting a TF), partial losses (losing but with only a minor TF), and major losses (major TF's). These wins will be totalled up for some future special encounters with him, along with a Chess Master trait being added to the game which will make it easier to beat him.


Weekly Plans

My main focus is: The ABDL Mom-ster Dragon Kitchen Escape Adventure (as described in the Monthly plans section).

My secondary focus is: Mostly commissioned content, with some other bits thrown in. 

The scenes and assorted content I'm really aiming for this week are;

  • Date Hygiene Reactions - I'll be creating a piece of code to handle detecting this, then adding reaction scenes to; Davis (sweet and mean dating paths), Tilly, and Villin. I might also look into hygiene reactions for the friend hang-out's through the contacts page. 
  • Wardrobe Quick Select Favourite Slots - I want to add in three quick select slots to the wardrobe which the player can set to different collections of clothing and accessories for quickly swapping into.
  • Kristen Job Encounters 2 & 3 - In these job encounter which will trigger by repeatedly spending time with Kristen in the ABDL Nursery job, players will watch as Kristen is bullied by Tammy into being diapered, then in the second she's bullied again into losing her skirt.
  • Chess Man Core Mechanics - The Chess Man has a fair amount of content planned for him, but for now this weeks plan is to create the overarching chess system which determines how badly the player wins or loses, including just a few cursory TF's for now.
  • ABDL Aurora Introdcution - I hope to write the introductory encounter for Aurora this week, an industrious furry cat-girl little within the Little Land Nursery. Aurora will also have a non-furry description and image for those who don't have that content customized into their game, as she'll be a merchant in the future. For now you'll get to meet a go-getting tomboy for the first time. 
  • Starting Fixing/Expanding Diaper Racing Mini-Game - I'll likely only be doing minor work on the content this week, aiming to make this the top priority next week. However I want to start some of the overhaul this week, looking into setting up the new base code and putting in some fixes to it.
  • Spanking 'Top-Up' Session Random Encounter - A random encounter for the Admin Hub where a sexy female secretary approaches the player announcing that they're due a 'top-up' spanking to keep them disciplined. Is she telling the truth?
  • Rampaging Beautician Robot Hairstyling Random Encounter - A random encounter for travelling back from jobs/training/dates, where a rampaging beautician robot will corner the player giving them a random hairstyle dependent on their hair length and then professionally setting it (so it's more difficult to change).
  • Rampaging Beautician Robot Makeup Random Encounter -  A random encounter for travelling to jobs/training/dates, where a rampaging beautician robot will corner the player giving them a random selection of makeup. 
  • Fem-Dom Cum Feeding Encounter - A random encounter when travelling back from jobs/training/dates, where a female dominatrix will corner the player, demanding that they engage in cum eating for her. Non-con players will have no choice.

In terms of minor content yet to be done; The (polled) Non-Con/Bondage scene of being mistaken for an escaped slave, a (polled) fem-dom cum feeding encounter, a (polled) dildo sucking competition, (polled) Alice asking questions random encounter, the (polled) brothel encounter where the player is requested bound due to a scared female client, a (polled) random encounter featuring the Wheel of Transformation game show, a (polled) rampaging beautician robot, the (polled) stuck in concrete scene with body-writing, the (polled) slave cum-swapping scene, the (polled) spanking 'top-up' session, the (polled) walking herd of hucows scene, the (polled) deg brothel bondage enema scene, the (polled) industrial dairy faulty milkers scene, the (polled) female kissing brothel session, the (polled) Riley and Shadow Pussy Lickers job encounters, the (polled) cosplay event, the (polled) Mistress Sarah submissive path, the (polled) sex toys and chastity update, the (polled) addition of Milky's Diner, the (polled) bimbo clothing expansion, the (polled) Lollipop sex scene, the (polled) Dragon Bride ending, the (polled) kitten-play mouse catching Pet-Play Trainer task, and finally the (polled) Alice second quest.


I think that's everything. If you've made it through all that you're great! As always suggestions and comments are always welcome (and appreciated). 

Thank you everyone, and have fun ^_^


Wild Bill

Something I wonder about the hygiene statuses is if some people would *like* some of them. One character might find the smell of sweat sexy, that kind of thing.


Hi Wild Bill ^_^ Thank you for the suggestions. Adding in some different reactions, tolerances, and preferences, you'll be glad to hear, is all part of the plan. For example, Tilly will not mind cum coated players XD