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Hi everyone ^_^

Seeing as it's been a little while since my last update I thought I should put something out just to keep you all up to date. The short version is basically that I'm probably within 24 hours of a new build (the Patreon build being a very big one), so keep an eye out for that :)

The longer version of what's going on is that last week I thought I was only a day or two away from finishing the new build only for it to spiral out of control a bit with bugs and issues. Those are all now fixed (or fixed enough that I haven't easily noted any game breaking bugs), so the planned renovation of the introduction and start of the game should now all be fine.

As this new Patreon build will be the 1 million word build and was planned to be the transition from 0.3.x -> 0.4.1 I've wanted it to be something special, which is part of the reason for the wait too. On the bright side, there certainly is a lot of new features, with some good quality of life updates that I think people will enjoy. There's also; the new maid store, a whole bunch of new clothing items (outfits, hair accessories, neckwear, chastity wear), the first stage of the chastity system, new difficulty options, new start options for the game (quick start, masculinization, and non-TF), the whole brand new background system (9 backgrounds in total) and all the perks associated with it, and so many major bug fixes and tweaks that you'll be shocked when you see the list. I've also now added an interactive image UI for when you use the in room tablet, though that might need a little tweaking still.

Now I'm just making a few last minute changes and doing some testing, as the last few builds where I've added major changes have been fraught with game breaking bugs that I don't want to risk again (they really spoil the mood of a new build for you all). I'm also doing a little last minute writing for the ABDL content, as it has been a long time since I last wrote any and I need to catch up on commissions.

So, new build soon, lots of content done and tested (for the most part), still working on some last minute tweaks. All in all I'm very excited to get this build out, and I hope you're all excited to see it (and don't worry non Patreon subscribers, the public build is a pretty cool one too)!

Happy gaming ^_^



A million words?! Wow, that's incredible! Congratulations on such an amazing milestone!


Thank you Jonathan ^_^ It's been a long time in the making, but it's slowly coming together. Now that I've got more of the main things I've wanted to do to the game added in (makeup, hygiene, backgrounds, reworking the start, making the UI look nice, nightwear, all the different clothing slots) it will hopefully give me a lot more free time to work on other areas of content. Still, have a few big things on my ideas list though that I need to psyche myself up for (tattoos and piercings, the auction ending route, getting the eating and drinking optional system in, not to mention all the fetishes, quests and dates) so there will likely be work on this project continuing for a long time :)


Will this be the abdl update


Hi BOB ^_^ Yes there will be some ABDL content in this update. It's not one of the big ABDL content pieces that I've been working on, but there are multiple new ABDL scenes in the nursery (some that I'm working on at this very moment). I'm very happy to be writing a new Katie and Daisy scene, one of my favourite pairs to write, but they're not the only ABDL characters I'm writing today :)