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Hi everyone ^_^

Development was going a little slow there for a moment, but things have picked up again, so I thought it best to give a quick update here over what's in the works. If you're just here for the short version though, then keep out for a build sometime over the next couple of days.

As for what is in the works, I'll outline it all below;

1/ I've just commissioned a big bundle of new artwork which I'm really excited about. Some of it is pretty normal (character images, a minor image or two), however there are two things that I'm particularly hyped for. The first of these is a big bundle of new clothing that's a little more normal, as I realized that looking over the outfit options they were all very feminine. So, in the future look out for new band t-shirts, suits, blouses, and just more normal clothing.

The second thing though, is something a bit bigger. I don't want to give away too many spoilers, but I've commissioned a new interactive menu much like the facility map, which should be cool and flashy whilst also being immersive at the same time.

2/ Some of you may know that I now have a monthly deal with LilyBlax an ABDL artist to produce a piece of artwork a month for the game, which I've been very happy with the results of. Well, I've made a similar deal with NimbleTail, my Pet-Play artist, so expect to see more frequent Pet-Play (and ABDL) art in the game. Why I'm mentioning this too, is that every month I plan to put up an art poll for one of these two fetish areas (alternating between them) allowing you to vote on what you'd like me to add, as I've realized that I don't normally open these fetishes up to the art poll.

3/ I've finished writing the maid store (at least the basics). It has been a tough area of content to write, having to juggle between multiple NPC's in one location, however, I do like how it has come out. Other than hyping up the maid store, I'm writing this here more as a question if people would like to see more NPC's that change location within the sandbox throughout the day?

4/ I'm currently expanding the introduction in a few ways. Part of this is allowing for alternate starts for the player (including a quick start, a non-TF start, and a masculinization start), along with some UI changes to the starting options. However, the part of it that I think will be maybe more interesting to the player base is the new background system.

Basically, each background will offer a set of bonuses to the player, and slightly alter the introduction to accommodate their new origin. I know in the past some people have been unhappy with how specific their characters backstory was, so now you have a slightly larger pool of choices. The new options are;

  • Permanently Poor - The current female background (-100 G.G.P daily upkeep, hygiene services only cost half) 
  • Rich Drop-out - The current male background (+5000 G.G.P starting money, bonus prestige at auction) 
  • Cat-ian Family - Raised by cat-girl worshippers (resetting cat ears + cat tail mod, increased relationship with cat-girls, increased cat-maid pay-outs) 
  • Crime Pays - Raised by criminals (+50 starting dominance, better pickpocketing outcomes) 
  • Privileged and Pampered - Raised by an aristocratic family (+1000 G.G.P gift every 3 days, bonus prestige at auction, can lower complaint level by 1 every 5 days at admin office) 
  • Makeover Artist - Obsessed with makeup and clothing growing up having made friends with many designers and makeup companies  (5 bonus random starting outfits, increased pay from makeover artist job, free makeup training, free beauty goo resource gifts every 3 days) 
  • Natural Submissive - Always dreamed of becoming a sex slave (+50 submissiveness, increased pay from; brothel, gloryhole, degradationist brothel) 
  • (Lactation/Hucow) Farm Hand - Grew up in a farm family who owned a hucow ranch (increased pay from Industrial Dairy, cheaper lactation mods, bonus farm show points) 
  • (ABDL) Ageing Child Star - Was once a minor child TV star when you were younger  (increased pay from adult nursery job, 5 bonus random ABDL starting outfits, bonus prestige at auction) 

I'm really excited for this, and hope you all are too. If there are any more backgrounds you'd like to see added then don't hesitate to comment. Suggestions really do help me shape the game as I go forward.

5/ We've hit 1 million words and 1000+ likes on TFGamesSite, both of which I'm extremely proud of the game achieving. Thanks everyone for your wonderful support ^_^ 


And ... I think that's it. Once again, good job if you've got to the end of all that, and thank you for your continued support. Happy gaming ^_^



Cool I love the larger pool of choices! Great work this is totally my favorite game!


Thank you Toy Slave ^_^ It has taken a lot of work but we're very close to the new build being ready :)