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Hi everyone ^_^

There will hopefully be a more detailed update on the project tomorrow, but just wanted to go over a few things real quickly first. I've been a bit out of it after a big thesis hand-in (that was on Thursday), but now I've got some rest I'm back to developing. So, here goes;

1/ A new alpha build - With all the delays I've got a little inconsistent at getting these out, but after a weekend of bug fixes and minor tweaks I've done enough that I want to get a build out (by the time you're reading this there likely already will be one). This is more of a note to myself to get back into a better rhythm with putting them out, but at the same time also to let you all know that I'll be doing so as well.

2/ More art commissions - Tomorrow I'll also be writing up the new batch of art. I've equally got out of schedule with putting out art polls, so will be doing my best to put out one (or maybe two depending on the amount of patrons we have at the time - I still remember that Patreon goal) art poll(s) at the beginning of the new month. If anyone has any suggestions I'd love to hear them.

3/ Art in general - I've just got batches back from two artists, and have at the same time realized I haven't put some other stuff up. As such I'll be trickling that out over the week as I don't want to drop too big a lump of stuff at once.

4/ Some major milestones - We're almost at 1k likes over on TFGamesSite, as well as almost at 1 million words on the game build size. I didn't really have anything special planned for either of these big occasions, but just wanted to comment on them seeing as they felt big. This week I'll be working on something a bit interesting (and what feels like more of a major game update) among other planned parts of the project, so maybe that'll be a good way to celebrate these milestones. 

5/ Commission tier patrons - Sorry again for the delays, I'll be attempting to contact you over the next couple of days. Thank you once again for your understanding as I try to get everything back on track :)

I think that's everything, just a few quick updates on various things that I'll likely be posting more details on over the upcoming few days. Thanks again everyone for your amazing support of my work, and happy gaming ^_^


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