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Edit: Oops, originally listed this as 0.3.19(b) again. Sorry folks, fixed that now.

Hey everyone, and welcome to a new weekly (I can dream) Patreon build. This current build is currently at 990,389 words, and 1517 passages, so about 27k new words since the last update. My apologies again for the slow rate of content, I'm trying my best, but big deadlines for my thesis have been coming up. Thankfully I should have a month or so of more free time after the end of this week, so fingers crossed more content. Thank you for your patience ^_^

This build is mostly on Felicity, a commissioned character who is a flirty TF enthusiast and network programmer. Though, I'm also quite proud of adding some new difficulty options for players who like that sort of thing. The original plans for this builds got kind of distracted, as the Felicity content felt better to produce in one lump than having to keep going back into the quest to add to it piece-meal, but I think the quest turned out quite nicely.

For the next build I'll almost certainly be working on the maid store (which I've been working on but have not added to the game build) and an ABDL quest (as I've also been working on that but am still at an early stage). But, for now, lets get into what the new content contains.

The main content is; Felicity (and her quest line) & New difficulty options

Felicity (and her quest line) - Felicity is a red-headed network focused software developer (specialised in VI's) who the player can meet moping slightly in the Recreational Plaza. Players who talk to her will be able to find out that she's a transformation/body-modification enthusiast who lacks the funds to purchase any. If players pursue this, they'll open up a quest to help her more, being shown her personal dream modification list. This will also create a quest entry for the player in the appropriate window.

There are a lot of options to choose between, varying from breast and ass size boosters, to more interesting things like fox ears, fox tails, pheromones, and lactation (if you have lactation content active in your play-through). Upon reaching 500 G.G.P, 1000 G.G.P, and 2000 G.G.P worth of modifications bought for her (which Felicity will model for the player), the player will be brought back to her home where she'll reward them with a choice of secret documents she's pulled from the facility's network. All these files offer some deep secrets to other areas of content, and will be expanded on in the future to allow for their sale or use with various characters. Players will be able to re-read these documents again in their room if they wish to.

Upon completing the last quest stage, Felicity will explain a little more about her situation and how she ended up living in the Center, giving some hints about what the next stage in her quest line will entail. As of now, Felicity doesn't have any sex scenes, however, I'm planning to add some of those for her very soon. 

Difficulty Options - I've had requests for a while to add in more difficulty to the game, but have not wanted to force difficulty on everyone as I know there are many who also play for the content rather than a challenge. As such I've upped the cost of the escape ending where you pay off Tony B back up to 50k G.G.P, as much money is now more easily gained within the game, so the lowered rate felt too easy. I've also added two new difficulty options.

1) Greater Increasing Upkeep - The original increasing upkeep option increased upkeep costs by 100 G.G.P every 5 days, this option will increase it by 200 G.G.P every 5 days, but can also be used in conjunction with the original option to make upkeep 300 G.G.P every 5 days. This should put some serious pressure on the player to make tough decisions and try to gain their escape with haste.

2) More Frequent Increasing Upkeep - This option has to be used with the increasing upkeep option, and when used lowers the intervals between upkeep increases from 5 days to just 3, making the ramp of costs much steeper over time.

Other additions include; lots of general bug fixes, the thank you list for October + November, a cheat to skip through the Pet-Play Trainer visits to get to stage 2, a bunch of new outfits should now properly qualify as nightwear, and lots of more specific fixes to the Pet-Play Trainer content. 

In terms of polls, fingers crossed I'll get back on top of polls soon, thank you for your patience on that folks ^_^

P.S. Things are rather behind, but I'm trying my best to catch up on all my commitments. I'm hoping to get in contact with my commission tier patrons sometime over the weekend. Sorry again for the mess surrounding these, and thank you for your patience and understanding.

Open Commission Slots:

- None (All taken, sorry!)

Change Log:

- (Com) Felicity - Felicity the red-headed flirty network programmer and TF enthusiast has been added to the Recreational Plaza for players to meet. Felicity has a lot of planned content, and currently has a quest attached to her based on customizing Felicity's appearance to something she finds more preferable.

- (Com) Felicity's first three quests - Players can purchase body modifications for Felicity through her special interface, upon purchasing; 500 G.G.P, 1000 G.G.P, and 2000 G.G.P, worth of mods she'll reward the player with a secret piece of information about the facility of their choice. Upon completing all three, Felicity will give the player some more information about herself that she's been keeping from them up to that point.

- (Com) Felicity first time encounter.

- (Com) Felicity normal interactions which alter based on relationship score with her.

- (Com) Felicity quest introduction where the player can offer to purchase mods for her.

- (Com) Felicity quest screen where players can choose which mods to apply to Felicity (more mods will likely be added in the future, allowing for more customization whilst still succeeding on her quests).

- (Com) Felicity modification scenes where she comments on the mods the player chooses for her, and comes back to show them off.

- (Com) Felicity reward scene where Felicity offers a selection of five secret documents she's acquired to the player. Felicity will also offer her own insight on each of the documents.

- (Com) Felicity reward: Trainee Program Report - A memo circulated around high level management that is older and has been damaged. This document covers some of the intentions of the trainee program. 

- (Com) Felicity reward: Beauty Goo Corporation Investigation Report - An investigation into the Beauty Goo Corporation and weird situation surrounding it.

- (Com) Felicity reward: Technical Report On 'The Treatment' - A complex diagnosis of the special medical treatment the player was subjected to upon arriving at the facility, and the implications behind it.

- (Com) Felicity reward: Spy Report On Tony B's Operations - The report of a spy within Tony B's criminal organization, documenting some of the inner workings of his operation. This document also has a response from one of the facility's board of executives. 

- (Com) Felicity reward: Alice's Diary Excerpt - This is a collection of Alice the facility AI's diary entries detailing her daily interactions.

- (Com) Felicity quest end scene, where Felicity gives the player some more information about her background situation.

- (Com) The secret documents the player has unlocked can all be accessed again from the players room.

- (Com) Felicity quest entries in the quest side tab.

- (Polled) Girly Hair Gang scene ending added.

- New more severe upkeep increase difficulty option which changes upkeep increases to 200 G.G.P every 5 days. This can be used in conjunction with the previous increasing upkeep option to make that 300 G.G.P every 5 days (Suggested by Nerevar)

- New more frequent upkeep increases difficulty option which changes upkeep increase intervals from every 5 days to every 3 (Suggested by Nerevar)

- Increased pay off Tony B for escape ending cost to 50k G.G.P (Suggested by Nerevar)

- Nightwear fix (Thank you CaotKirk)

- Missing Pet-Play Trainer stage 2 items that should be given to the player have been added to that scene (Thank you CaotKirk)

- Pet-Play Trainer stage 2 Pony-Play first scene has been fixed (Thank you CaotKirk)

- Pet-Play Trainer Stage 2 bug fix to allow access to stage 2 of the Pet-Play Trainer content (Thank you PaddedLocks)

- Formatting fixes to some of the Pet-Play Trainer stage 1 encounters to make them look more normal.

- Pet-Play Trainer visits increase cheat added to the cheat menu.

- October + November Thank You list updated.

- Lots of new variables.

- Lots of new planning.

- A few minor bug fixes.  

Hope you have fun :)  



I was wondering if people are able to suggest other fetishes they would like to see in the game?


Hi Jack_davis ^_^ Yes, I'm always happy to hear suggestions. Adding new fetishes (outside of minor content) is normally a bigger task that I spend more time preparing for, but hearing what kind of fetishes people would like to see is very useful to me :)


Ok thank you I was wondering if you would be able to add In wedgie fetish content.


I'll add it to the suggestion list. I've got nothing against wedgie fetish content, though I don't have much experience with it either, so would be happy to work on some content around it. However, I am a bit behind with general content, so it might be a while before I get to working on it. Thanks for the suggestion :)